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Sep 9th 2020
Talk about love at first sighting! 🦧

Nancy Hoggert claims that she witnessed a Bigfoot eating the buds off of her Marijuana plants one day.

She aimed a shotgun at the creature & that's when things surprisingly got....steamy?…

#bigfoot #paranormal Image
After something out of a supernatural erotica novel, Nancy said the relationship blossomed from just “sex partners’ into a deep love... How cute?

Nancy describes #Bigfoots romantic gestures towards her as bringing her flowers, mushrooms & holding her while star gazing. Image
What do all couples do when theyre in love?

They try for a baby! ....but no luck thus far for Nancy & Bigfoot.

“Once I’m pregnant, #Bigfoot, or John as I call him, and I are going to settle down and live a quiet domesticated life in my house. "
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