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Feb 20th 2022
I've been reflecting on the #BigHomieTips series that @RapPortraits created through an interview with the incomparably brilliant @tressiemcphd and this particular insight, Create An Experience, has been hovering in my head for so long that even though I'm past my bed time,...
... I wanted to write about it (and I suspect this thread will be come a blog post on my blog).

I think what I get from Tressie's insight is the following: I have finally figured out the EXPERIENCE that I want readers of my blog and followers of my Twitter account to have.
To that end, I needed to figure out how people who read my blog use it. And ask myself whether those readers were having the experience I wanted them to have.

My blog is not a repository of tips, per se.

It's a showcase. I show how *I* work. But I don't do it to set rules.
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