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Jul 18th 2019
Let's talk about... cotton!

You may think of cotton as a product of Alabama's past, when slavery and, later, sharecropping provided the intense labor that was needed for cotton production.

But Alabamians still grow cotton for buyers around the world!
Nick McMichen's family has been growing cotton in Cherokee County outside Centre for generations, going back to sharecroppers in the late 19th century.

“Cotton is more than a crop,” McMichen said. “Around here, it’s part of us."…
Jerry Newby’s family goes back even further. He is the seventh generation to grow cotton on his family farm in Limestone County.

Jerry, along with family members Jimmy, James. John and Elizabeth, works about 3,500 acres of cotton spanning 50 miles.…
Read 23 tweets
May 15th 2019
Alabama Senate passes nation’s most restrictive abortion law, which makes no exceptions for victims of rape and incest. Brett ""I LIKE BEER" Kavanaugh is on SCOTUS so why not?!
Governor signs Alabama abortion ban, which has galvanized support on both sides, setting up a lengthy fight
What is with the #AlabamaSenate and their support of rape and incest? Bc that's what this is. If you want to have a baby with a woman in #Alabama you can just rape her and be out of jail in a few years (if that) and enjoy joint custody of the child. Its disgusting #BoycottAlabama
Read 4 tweets

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