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Sep 22nd 2020
Tánaiste @LeoVaradkar commented: “I ask all businesses regardless of their size, small, medium or large to focus on their Brexit readiness as things will simply not be the same.

Being prepared for customs formalities is critical and the Government is here to help.” #BrexitReady
Minister @Damien_English urged businesses to check their supply chains:

"Get in touch with your suppliers, service providers and logistic companies, or wholesalers and distributors to seek assurances on the continuity of supply."…
Minister @RobertTroyTD encouraged businesses to ensure they have adequate cashflow:

"It is important that businesses give themselves enough breathing space. Supports such as the Brexit Loan Scheme and the recently launched €2 billion Credit Guarantee Scheme are available”
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Sep 9th 2020
Tánaiste @LeoVaradkar: "In 2020 we’ve seen businesses across the country fundamentally change how they do business - whether it’s a restaurant moving to take away, a shop moving on-line, or changing from an office-based business to working remotely." Image
Tánaiste @LeoVaradkar: "Once again we are asking businesses to take action. Economic Brexit is happening at the end of the year...

"For companies that trade with Britain, things will not be the same."
Tánaiste @LeoVaradkar encouraged businesses to avail of Government supports including those from @Entirl, @Loc_Enterprise, @SBCIreland, @Microfinanceire in order to become #BrexitReady ahead of 31 December.
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Dec 16th 2019
The results of a survey on Irish SMEs sentiment towards Brexit impact & preparedness has been published by Ministers @HHumphreysFG and @PatBreen1.

Of SMEs surveyed, half experienced a #Brexit-related impact in the past year with 72% expecting one even with an orderly withdrawal. Image
Minister @HHumphreysFG "my message to firms is this: act now to protect your business and employees. Brexit is happening and businesses must therefore proactively plan for a different trading relationship with the UK." #BrexitReady
.@PatBreen1 reminds firms using the UK landbridge of a simplified transit customs process for goods with a @RevenueIE approved comprehensive financial guarantee
"This can take time, so I urge businesses to start this process with their financial provider & Revenue straight away"
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Aug 20th 2019
Spoke with 🇮🇪 @simoncoveney and 🇪🇺 @MichelBarnier today. I reconfirmed we’re unequivocally committed to the Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement and that we want a deal, but Parliament has been clear it won’t accept the backstop. 1/3
@simoncoveney @MichelBarnier As the PM @BorisJohnson explained to @ecopresident Donald Tusk in his letter, that means the backstop must go. There’s a strong shared desire for a deal in London, Belfast and Dublin. 2/3
@simoncoveney @MichelBarnier @BorisJohnson @ecopresident UK seeks to work constructively on alternative arrangements for the NI border to deliver a deal which is in both sides interests. But we must be clear: we’re leaving 🇪🇺 on 31 October come what may. #BrexitReady 3/3
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Feb 25th 2019
Minister @HHumphreysFG has urged businesses to register for a customs number with @RevenueIE, which will be required if they want to continue trading with the UK after #Brexit.!06DVW7

#BrexitReady Image
Minister @PatBreen1 also called on businesses to decide whether they plan to carry out customs procedures themselves or use a customs agent to act on their behalf. See here for more info:!06DVW7

Minister @HHumphreysFG made the call as she today launched a series of free customs training workshops for all businesses, which is being rolled out for the Government through the 31 @Loc_Enterprise Offices.!S8PD00

#BrexitReady Image
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