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Oct 13th 2021
I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it 🧋🥳 7 days ago, I started making #NFTs for friends - each one individually crafted to reflect the preferences of their original owner in mind.

So much has happened: Here are some highlights of the first week at #bubbleteaparty

A 🧵... Image
1⃣ I made exactly 50 #bubbletea #NFTGiveaways so far, and there are 32 owners 😍

2⃣ The very first bubble tea has been sold (Thanks, mom!!) 😂

3⃣ Burned $$$ on gas fees before switching to #Polygon 😩

4⃣ We’re a small, fun and friendly community! Don’t you agree? 🤗
What has not happened yet…

🚩 50 - 32 - 1 = 17 -> Some have not yet picked up their bubble teas ☹ Please get them on @opensea asap before someone else snatches them

🚩 No trading yet in #bubbleteaparty. We’re still a small party and everyone loves their #bubbleteas😊
Read 7 tweets

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