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Mar 2nd 2022
On March 24th, 2006, I began my mission at Balad Airbase in Iraq as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom. For the next 15 months, I would serve my country proudly. One enemy prove to be the greatest risk to my future; a silent enemy in the form of toxic burn pits.

This is my story.
At Joint Base Balad, government contractors (KBR and/or its subcontractors) burned aerosols, paints, plastics, Styrofoam, rubber, metals, building materials, machinery, military vehicles, batteries, polyvinyl, solvents, tires, asbestos insulation, chemicals, and body parts.
I smelt, saw, felt, and breathed toxic fumes and hazardous smoke day and night. It was as if walking through a dense, acrid fog. The burn pit produced a smoke plume thick enough to limit visibility and produce ashes or particulates from the fire throughout the base.
Read 12 tweets
Jun 13th 2019
Important discussion on #BurnPits & toxic exposures of military personnel with @AlexHortonTX @patriciakime @Bonnie_at_TAPS. Alarming rate of illnesses & deaths believed to be caused by toxic exposures. This is why we advocate for #BurnPits Accountability Act! #StormTheHill @iava Image
.@Bonnie_at_TAPS: TAPS is supporting more than 700 survivors of veterans who have died as a result of illnesses believed to be caused by toxic exposures & #BurnPits.
.@Bonnie_at_TAPS on those who have died of toxic exposures #BurnPits: "Their deaths are no less connected to their service than those who've died on the battlefield."
Read 3 tweets

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