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Apr 21st 2020
1/ More on the very bizarre $TSLA & $CVNA (Carvana) connection...
2/ First, as a reminder, we see used Model 3 cars listed on Carvana at prices that exceed the price of a new Model 3.
3/ When last we checked, there were 67 $TSLA 2019 Model 3's listed. 49 of them had fewer than 1,000 miles. Another curious thing: almost all the listings happened in two concentrated batches. What does that mean?
Read 28 tweets
Feb 25th 2020
Analysis: #NYSE $KMX

Case 174 #CarMax Inc.

DISCLAIMER: The analysis is strictly for educational purposes and should not be construed as an invitation to trade.

#KMX 1/4
Chart 1
Weekly Chart: Rising steadily since 2009 and stalling at a 12 year #resistance #trendline at 102.97. A loss of #momentum should force price lower towards good #support seen at .....

KMX 2/4
..... 87.00 - 82.50. The long term trend is very #bullish and the main objective is 110.20 and possibly 118.00.

KMX 3/4
Read 4 tweets

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