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Jul 15th 2021
We are so excited to finally share our new study reporting the evolution of cross-resistance between targeted therapy and immunotherapy, published today @NatureCancer. Highlights in the 🧵👇 Free access here 1/25
Targeted therapies (TT) and immunotherapies (IT) have revolutionized the treatment of cancer patients and these therapies are often administered sequentially. But how do these therapies shape the tumor and influence the subsequent treatment response? 2/
A few years ago, we were struck by an observation: Melanoma patients who received IT as first line treatment had high response rates, in contrast, patients who had first acquired resistance to targeted therapy (TT) and were then switched to IT, had much lower response rates. 3/
Read 25 tweets
Jul 27th 2020
We are so excited to present our functional #lineagetracing tool, CaTCH, developed in the @obenaufa lab @IMPvienna published @naturebiotech. Have you ever wondered if a phenotype is pre-existing in a cell or whether it is acquired during selection? Then👇might be your tool!1/14
CaTCH - short for “CRISPRa Tracing of Clones in Heterogeneous cell populations” - combines precise mapping of the lineage history of millions of cells with the ability to isolate any given clone alive from a complex population based on genetic #barcodes. 2/14
In a selection experiment, CaTCH allows to first identify clones with a certain phenotype and subsequently “travel back in time” to enable the retrospective isolation and analysis of founding clones from heterogeneous cell populations prior to their evolutionary selection. 3/14
Read 17 tweets
Oct 1st 2019
#inktober Ich kann zwar nicht zeichnen, das dafür aber gut ^^
Um zu üben mach ich dieses Jahr bei #inktober2019 mit + mach's mir nicht so schwer, sondern versuch jeden Tag dazu zu lernen + ich hab türkise Tinte verwendet, weil die Farbe schön ist, nicht aus politischen Gründen.
1 day late, but here's your bait
#inktober2019 #inktober2019day3 #inktober2019bait #bait #Inkpad
Read 33 tweets

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