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Jun 23rd 2022
Today, the Supreme Court correctly decided that the Second Amendment means what it says.

A #CatoSCOTUS 🧵 on New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen…. 1/18
The “right to keep and bear” arms protects not just keeping but bearing.

That means a law-abiding person who can legally possess a gun cannot be unduly prohibited from carrying that gun in public.

While this decision will be criticized by many as a “radical” expansion of gun rights, it is actually a modest decision that only strikes down discretionary licensing laws that limit issuing carry permits to those who can demonstrate specific threats against them.

Read 18 tweets
Apr 29th 2020
Why JUDGES should support the elimination of qualified immunity: Because when YOU create a Frankenstein’s monster of injustice that undermines people’s confidence in govt and infantilizes cops, you should fix the mess you made.
How does QI “infantilize” cops? By consistently letting them off the hook on the premise that they could not reasonably have known not to do things that would put an ordinary citizen in the poorhouse--or prison. Think I’m exaggerating? Read on:
Here’s what cops did in the seven QI cases that SCOTUS just sent to conference for 5/15 where federal appellate courts gave the cops a free pass on the premise that they didn’t have sufficient notice not to do these things:
Read 12 tweets
Sep 17th 2019
Panel 4 at @CatoInstitute Constitution Day with @JanCBS, @EHSlattery, @TCBurrus, @TomGoldsteinSB ImageImage
.@JanCBS brings 🔥🔥🔥
"I'm sorry my preparation is not in depth as it should have been, because of the @nytimes." #scotus Image
Read 5 tweets

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