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Mar 13th 2023
Hey @imYadav31 @CenturionGuy1 @drgrudge @bhavyegoel @2021Kashif @satishckp @anshCC @cardenthu24 #ccgeeks #avgeeks
So i present to you the famous 080 review and how to access it( I am tagging you guys so #avgeeks and #ccgeeks can come prepared to access the lounge)
So 1st let's talk about the lounge situation at @BLRAirport
Terminal 1 at BLR has 2 lounges
BLR lounge which is accessible by almost all credit cards and many debit cards and is crowded with people (seen in the image)and the other premium 080 lounge accessible by selected cards
080 can be accessed by amex cards or cards with a visa lounge program ( in axis only magnus and reserve works) , a few cards that can be used are ( most SBI cards, AU cards, IDFC cards except classic, indusind visa cards ,etc) you can also access by j class or by vistara gold
Read 14 tweets
Dec 27th 2022
On taxes and the beautiful UK - 🇬🇧

The UK is one of the most magical places in the world, and a country that you can keep going back to. Incredible landscapes and countryside, historical cities, and beautiful architecture.

Miles & points are a great way to explore this country.
However, one thing that the #ccgeeks & the #milesfreaks cannot help but keep getting smacked on the face with is - fees.

These charges on award tickets for a trip to the UK can potentially be as high as an economy revenue ticket.

So, what can be done? Let's see. 👇
First, let's take care of the outbound leg - DEL - LHR.

Below is a table with the miles requirement for both Y and J and the associated charges.

For the sake of this thread, we will consider the transfer partners available on Axis, only & one additional program - LifeMiles. 👇
Read 12 tweets

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