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Jun 27th 2020
Yesterday was the 39th anniversary of "Gumti Massacre".
On 26th June in 1981, indigenous Jummas Buddhists, Hindus came under attack from thousands of islamists settler supported by Bangladesh army in Khagrachari district, Bangladesh. Many Hindu, Buddhist villeges were burnt to
the ground. Thousand families fled to neighbouring India. Atleast 500 Jummas were killed within few days & many more died in India as refugees. On the fateful day, after friday prayer islamists settler with Army launched a prelanned attack shouting " Nara e takbeer allahu akbar".
Many Jumma villegers fled to Jungle but later some were captured and killed. Many victims were beheaded. It was one of the earliest massacres in the history of CHT.

#Chakma #Tripura #ChittagongHillTracts #JummaPeoples #Massacre #SaveBDMinorities
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Oct 31st 2019
Here is a conversation between #SardarVallabhbhaiPatel and #Chakma leader Sneha Kumar Chakma regarding inclusion of #ChittagongHillTracts under India in 1947.
Brfore partition, July 1947

Sneha Kumar Chakma-
"I am flying back to CHT to declare it INDIA AND RESIST if it happens otherwise! Will you stand behind me, Sir?"

"Certainly, I will be with you, behind CHT! Go back, hurry back"!
After awarding CHT to Pakistan.

SKC- "We are resisting. I am sent to you for arms & ammunition".

Sardar- "Only arms & ammunition"?

SKC- "Yes. Only arms & ammunition. People of CHT are ready to fight out their own field. They can adopt to all weapons necessary at present."
Read 8 tweets

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