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May 8th 2023
“How the #myth of #biolaboratories was born and how it spread in #Ukraine

#russian #disinformation #biolabs #Ukraine Image
‘Since the early hours, the #Russian #invasion of #Ukraine has spawned a staggering amount of #conspiracy theories. Some point to completely denying the very existence of conflict, arguing that the #dead and #wounded are actually “#actors”;
others try to raise concerns about specific events, such as the #bombing of the #Mariupol #hospital or the #Bucha #massacre; and still others perform a #propaganda function, above all that of the phantom #Ukrainian "#biolaboratories", one of the best known and most widespread.’
Read 20 tweets
Apr 4th 2023
Thread: #MalianaMassacre a Tale of Injustice in India

It has been 36 years since 72 Muslims were brutally killed in the small town of #Maliana, in #UttarPradesh by provincial police force. On 01 April, 40 accused in the #massacre during the 1987 riots in Maliana...,
...Meerut were acquitted, while 23 accused have left this world and 30 accused are missing, against whom the trial will continue. The prosecution failed to produce sufficient evidence before the court, due to which benefit of doubt was given to the accused. #muslimsinindia
It took 36 years for the court to pronounce the verdict i.e. those who were accused in youth were acquitted in old age and children whose parents were killed have crossed puberty. Their families still await even the first glimmer of justice. #MalianaMassacre #IndianSupremeCourt
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Mar 1st 2023
Thread: The #Massacre at Best Bakery
On March 01, 2002, the Best Bakery area was attacked and burned down by a deranged mob of #RSS situated in Hanuman Tekri. The Best Bakery case was a symbol of the 2002 #Gujarat carnage.
Its controversial nature attracted the allegation of the State Government, implying the government’s compliance in it. During the incident, a mob targeted the Sheikh family who ran the bakery and had taken refuge inside...,
...resulting in the deaths of 14 (11 #Muslims including family members and 3 Hindu employees of the bakery). This case has come to symbolize the carnage in 2002# Gujrat riots (and the alleged State Government complicity in it) that followed the #Godhra train massacre.
Read 24 tweets
Jan 26th 2023
#Palestinian Authority: #IOF #Jenin raid 'organized #crime and a #massacre' | 12:54
- IOF raided the Jenin camp in Occupied Palestine's #WestBank on Thursday morning, leaving residents and popular resistance groups with no choice but to defend themselves
#Israeli forces #martyr another #Palestinian in occupied #WestBank | Jan 27
- The official Palestinian news agency #Wafa said he was shot in clashes which erupted during a protest against the killings of nine Palestinians during a raid in #Jenin.…
#Israel and #Gaza militans exchange #missiles following deadly raid in the #WestBank | Jan 27
- as tensions soared following an Israeli #raid killed nine #Palestinians, including at least seven militants and a 61-year-old woman.…
Read 19 tweets
Dec 28th 2022


“We did not choose the past.”

President Macron wants to distance himself from France's colonial past. However, the crimes committed in Algeria over a period of 132 years have not been forgotten and Paris still does not want to apologise.
During Algeria’s war of independence (1954 - 1962), 1.5-million Algerians lost their lives seeking freedom.

#Africa #Colonialism #imperialism #IndependenceDay
In 1945 in Setif, French troops massacred 45,000 unarmed Algerians under the command of General Raymond Duval.

#Macron #massacre #raymondduval #setif
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Jul 31st 2022
The last day of July is Day 158 of #Russia's war of choice.

Each day I document the major news and events, along with analysis. I've been working in #Ukraine for 20 years and studying the relationship with its neighbour as Putin became more and more aggressive.
Enjoy the thread
Of course not only Putin and #Russia involved in the illegal aggression.

#Belarus is playing an active part too. I am disappointed that Britain's @DefenceHQ does not acknowledge that Lukashenka is the ILLEGITIMATE president. @Tsihanouskaya won the 2020 elections
Today the number of Russian Armoured Personnel Carriers destroyed by #Ukraine in this war so far ticked over 4,000.

Also a lot of artillery systems are being taken out in recent days. Plus another 160 soldiers eliminated.

(All figures Ukrainian estimates)
Read 35 tweets
Jun 10th 2022
Turkey's leaders are taking a break from enabling #Russia against #NATO and ethnic cleansing Syria’s #Kurds to launch absurd claims and empty threats against Greek islands. We take a look at the painful history of Turkish rule on one of them: a thread on #Chios from #theHELC 1/10
The history of the Greeks in Chios goes back more than 3,000 years reaching to #Minoan and #Mycenaean times. Chios is the most likely birthplace of #Homer and had its own coins and democratic parliament by 600 BC. Its famous wine was exported from the Black Sea to #Egypt 2/10
The islanders sided with Athens and then #Alexander the Great against Persia and continued to prosper under first the #Roman and then the Eastern Roman (#Byzantine) Empire. The famous #mosaics of Nea Moni monastery are considered a masterpiece of Byzantine art 3/10
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May 8th 2022
#Putin est l'ennemie de l'Europe.

L'insurrection de Varsovie : Staline et Machiavel
Le 1er août 1944, alors que l'Armée rouge est entrée en Pologne depuis le début de l'année,

#russia #urss #wwii #Poland #katyn #Stalin #massacre #war #invasion #treaty #Nazi
l'Armia Krajowa, l'Armée polonaise de l'intérieur, se soulève dans le but de libérer Varsovie.
Plusieurs raisons à cela.
D'une part, le contexte est plus favorable qu'il ne l'a jamais été depuis le début de la guerre : l'Allemagne est acculée sur tous les fronts.
En effet, à l'Est, depuis les victoires de Stalingrad et de Koursk, l'Armée rouge a ravi l'initiative à la Wehrmacht qu'elle refoule vers l'Ouest à grands coups boutoirs.
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Apr 22nd 2022

#MALI : Les mercenaires de #Wagner et les #FAMAS massacrent des civils à #Hombori dans un raid punitif

Les #mercenaires #russes de la société militaire privée Wagner et les FAMAS #maliens ont lancé mardi dernier un "raid" à Hombori
faisant 18 morts du "côté ennemi", ainsi que 15 blessés et 611 détenus, selon la version officielle.

Des témoins des événements consultés par #Efe ont toutefois indiqué que les personnes tuées aux mains de ces #soldats, parmi
lesquels il y avait une majorité de #Russes, n'étaient pas des terroristes mais des #civils rassemblés au #marché hebdomadaire local.

Ce #massacre est intervenu en représailles quelques heures après que les #troupes russes au #Mali,
Read 16 tweets
Apr 18th 2022
Há 26 anos aconteceu uma das páginas mais tristes da história do Brasil, mas como somos um país sem memória, pouco se fala da data.

Naquele dia, o primeiro a morrer foi um senhor surdo q não correu pq não ouviu o barulho dos tiros. Ele foi atingido no pé e depois na cabeça.

Um dos últimos a morrer foi uma jovem liderança, Oziel Pereira, de 17 anos. Ele se refugiou em uma casa, mas foi encontrado, algemado e arrastado pelos cabelos até o ônibus da PM. Seu corpo apareceu no IML, assassinado com um tiro na testa, à queima roupa.

Esses 2 juntamente com outros 19 camponeses foram assassinatos esse dia. Segundo o legista Nelson Massini, que fez a perícia dos corpos, pelo menos dez vítimas foram executadas à queima-roupa. Sete lavradores foram mortos por instrumentos cortantes como foices e facões.

Read 7 tweets
Apr 6th 2022
@ir_rkp Hienoa, täytyykin viestittää @ZelenskyyUaaa'lle että kieltää Suomen vale oppositiopuolueet, siionistien @persut ja Kremlin @kokoomus laittomina.
@ir_rkp @ZelenskyyUaaa @persut @kokoomus Voi kysyä lupaa myrkyttää Suomessakin, epämiellyttäviä kansanryhmiä.
- Esim. Candida albicans on tuottoisin 'sairaus' 100 vuoteen. #BigPharma sanoo sitä 'syöväksi'.
#Candidiasis ei parane 'syöpä'hoidoilla, vaan potilaat menehtyvät tuskallisesti n. 5 vssa.
@ir_rkp @ZelenskyyUaaa @persut @kokoomus #Nuremberg 2.0, #sotarikos ei vanhene.
#VAERS Summary for #COVID19 'Vaccines' through 3/4/2022 | Mar 12, 2022
- Covid -sotarikokset jatkuvat Suomessakin, haavoittuvassa asemassa olevien teurastaminen #BigPharma'n voitelemana.…
Read 40 tweets
Apr 4th 2022
1/ Searching for the Truth. #Syria #Ukraine

May 2012: then foreign minister @bobjcarr expelled Syrian diplomats after the US blamed Syrian govt for 'the Houla #massacre'.
#auspol #ADF #RNBreakfast #RNDrive #LNL #abc730 #4corners…
2/ Searching for the Truth. #Syria #Ukraine
An investigation into the #Houla #massacre pointed the finger at anti-govt extremists. But there was no debate by #auspol.
#ADF #RNBreakfast #RNDrive #LNL #abc730 #4corners…
3/ Searching for the Truth. #Syria #Ukraine
Few questioned MSM narrative on Syria: govt bad; US supported 'rebels' good.
But @TurnbullMalcolm raised questions.

Ref: ……

@bobjcarr #auspol #ADF #RNBreakfast #RNDrive #LNL #abc730 #4corners
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Apr 3rd 2022
This video shared by #Ukrainian sources. Civilians wearing a white arm band, russian identification sign since the start of the conflict.
These men were interrogated by Ukrainian SBU accused of being with the #Russian & executed by #Ukraine force.
2/ Civilians wearing white band was a sign of them allegedly being with #Russia, used by #Ukraine Force. #Bucha Massacre is done by #Ukrainian Nazi. Theyve been holding civilians as hostages since starting of mission. It's been confirmed by other nations evacuated students too ImageImageImage
3/ People wearing and tied with white clothes were a sign of them being with #Russian. This #bucha Massacre is a false flag by #Ukrainian #Nazi.

#FalseFlag #fake #News #Ukraine #Russian Image
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Mar 17th 2022
Heartfelt homage to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, a champion of human rights and freedom, on his birth anniversary. His ideals continue to inspire millions across the world.
#LiberationofBangladesh #MuktiJudho #Maitree
Congratulations to the people of Bangladesh on their National Day. The proclamation of Independence by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman this very day in 1971 is a moment in history that paved the way for the Liberation of Bangladesh.
#LiberationofBangladesh #MuktiJudho #Maitree
বাংলাদেশের জনগণকে তাদের জাতীয় দিবসে অভিনন্দন। ১৯৭১ সালের এই দিনেই বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের স্বাধীনতার ঘোষণা ইতিহাসের একটি মুহূর্ত যা বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতার পথ প্রশস্ত করেছিল।
#LiberationofBangladesh #MuktiJudho #Maitree ImageImageImage
Read 116 tweets
Sep 30th 2021
@UNGeneva is reliving the tragic end of #LeagueOfNations. About 90 years ago, #Ethiopia was unforgettably betrayed by the #West when invaded by #Italy.
Now, #UN is sponsoring disintegration of 🇪🇹 by helping a #terrorist with its malicious agencies alongside #US

And @WhiteHouse is calling upon its ultimate hand @UNGeneva's #SecurityCouncil to intimidate #Ethiopia.
Well, the world especially #Africa is watching. No country in #Africa misses that the same would happen when they stand for their people.
@UNGeneva is being tested & failing.
@WFP_Ethiopia, @UNICEFEthiopia & @USAIDEthiopia did all the despicable vicious conspiracies to help #TPLFTerroristGroup kill, commit #massacre, render millions into #IDPs and mainly dismantle #Ethiopia. All of these is happening under #UN's watch.
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Aug 21st 2021
Do you remember #Janabi? Abir Al Janabi. A 14-year-old #Iraqi girl. In 2006, Janabi's father stopped sending Janabi to school in fear of the #US Army's focus on his daughter. The Army who was establihing "#democracy" and "#human rights" in Iraq. 1/32
Janabi used to stay at home, spending her days of adolescence playing with her younger siblings.
The U.S. military's security checkpoint was located just 200 meters from Janabi's house. One day, a #USsoldier notices Janabi. And Janabi and her family were doomed right then. 2/32
For a few days at first, the #soldiers repeatedly came to Janabi's house in the name of search and made ugly gestures towards her. One day the four #armies decided that today they would be the day to enjoy Jamabai and kill some #Muslims. 3/32
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Jun 4th 2021
Today, the entire world remembers the bloody massacre of more than 10,000 student protestors by the Chinese Communist Government. The CCP has erased this event and its images from public view inside China but we won’t let them forget. @AmbCuiTiankai @globaltimesnews @ChinaDaily ImageImageImage
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Oct 17th 2020
After a peaceful pro-#independence demonstration in #Paris on #17October1961,up to 300 #Algerians were murdered by police. Historians described this #massacre as “the bloodiest act of state repression of street protest in western Europe in modern history”.…
The most memorable – and vicious – #atrocities saw #policemen herding panicking crowds on to #Paris's bridges, where many were tossed into the #Seine. The river became a watery morgue for scores of victims, whose lifeless bodies were washing up for weeks. #17Octobre1961 #Algeria
Others died in #police stations, or in nearby woods, where their #mutilated bodies testified to truncheon and rifle-butt injuries. The officers had been incensed by an illegal protest by 30,000 men, women and children organised by the National #Liberation Front (FLN) of #Algeria.
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