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Feb 1st 2023
how to apply bank loan for business buy cheyenne

Are you looking to buy a business in Cheyenne but need a loan to finance it? Learn how to apply for a bank loan with our step-by-step guide. #businessloans #Cheyenne
Before you apply for a business loan, make sure you have a solid business plan and understand your financials. #businessplanning #bankloans
Research different banks and their loan options to find the best fit for your business needs. Don't be afraid to shop around! #bankresearch #businessloans
Read 14 tweets
Jun 27th 2018
About 1/3 of you guessed right: #AmericanEnglish has about 14 vowel sounds. Here's a chart with 15 vowels (from #ucla) with examples and their #phonetic symbols (#ipa). The IPA is useful but controversial since there are euro-centric biases in its representation.
#vowels are cool since the range of them is huge. Some languages, like #hawaiian have 3, while #xoo has 31.

Usually, the less sounds in a language, the more complex the tone or word structure and the reverse.

Check out info on your language's sounds:!
CORRECTION: #hawaiian has 5 vowels. Oops. However, many other #languages have 3 vowel systems, like #cheyenne
Read 3 tweets

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