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Jan 20th 2023
80 Doctors In Canada, Between The Ages Of 25 And 55 Have Died In The Last 60 Days

#StoptheShotsNow #DiedSuddenlyNews #DiedSuddenlyVaccine #VaccineDeath #vaccinegenocide #vaccineinjuries #clotshots
The list of names.
You’ll need to copy and paste and erase the space after the . before com. Twitter won’t let me share the link. 🙃 @elonmusk

Read 3 tweets
Dec 12th 2022
1. New 🧵
Have you ever wondered why MOST doctors walk along the same lines when it comes to #MRNA shots, and VERY FEW doctors speak out against the narrative???

Read this thread to understand HOW Big Pharma GAGS your friendly doctor. Image
2. First, you need to understand “Clinical Practice Guidelines” (lets call it “CPG”). What’s that?
Officially, CPGs are guidelines that doctors refer to when treating a disease. There are guidelines for EVERY disease from Hypertension, diabetes, flu etc etc.
Example 👇 Image
3. Within these documents, usually there is a section where they provide “Drug Choices”. They will recommend the drugs according to certain algorithms (like, whats the age of the patient, are they obese, do they have prior medical history etc etc). ImageImage
Read 22 tweets

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