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Apr 5th 2021
CJI SA Bobde led bench to shortly name the judge who would replace special judge Bharat Parashar to conduct trials in the sensational coal scam cases pending since 2014.
#CoalScam Image
The top court on March 15 requested the Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court to provide names of five trial court judges of “high caliber and absolute integrity” for appointing one of them as the special judge to replace Parashar.
Hearing commences

Read 11 tweets
Aug 25th 2020
🧵 ladies and gentlemen, presenting #CoalGate:

(yet another) case study into the "questionable" integrity of @AngusTaylorMP🤥.

yesterday #CaymanAngus tabled an instrument formalising a $3.6m grant to brisbane-based #ShineEnergy.

…and the whole saga is dodgy AF.

in sep 2016 colourful queenslander #AshleyDodd establishes #ShineEnergy with ambitions to make waves in the renewables sector.

at the time his website said “as a traditional owner company which understands the natural economy, the RE sector is a natural fit for Shine Energy”.
shine shopped around an idea for a “solar production model” where someone (gov’t?) would pay for a solar farm, and shine would get to keep half. 🤷‍♂️
Read 46 tweets

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