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Jan 3rd 2021
THREAD: Why do English Bible translations often have different poetic stanzas? (inspired by @JennGuenther)

Psalm 1 is divided by the NIV into verses 1-3, 4-5, & 6, but by the ESV into 1-2, 3-4, & 5-6.
Whichever of these is better (or neither), it’s worth knowing that translations usually aren’t following ancient manuscripts.

There are some ancient paragraph divisions in Hebrew manuscripts (look up petucha פְּתוּחָה ‘open’ and stuma סְתוּמָה ‘closed’ paragraphs).
But we still await the #GreatParagraphReform when, some time in the 21st century, modern Bible translations are revised to follow ancient manuscript paragraphs.
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