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Jul 27th 2022
Last week @Ldn_Ambulance and @KingsMaternity came together for some joint maternity training. Some of the learning may be useful for #communitymidwives and #ambulanceclinicians in London so I am writing up a thread 🧵
🧵 3rd stage of labour
Midwives' scope of practice: MWs sometimes give an oxytocic drug to aid birth of the placenta (active management)
This will be syntometrine or syntocinon depending on area/trust
This is followed by controlled cord traction (CCT)
Normally takes 5-30 mins
🧵 3rd stage of labour
Ambulance clinicians can instead use physiology to encourage this process (esp if MW not present)
- Encourage bladder emptying
- Use gravity/upright positioning (have something ready to catch the placenta!)
- Oxytocin helps! (Skin-to-skin, breastfeeding)
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