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Aug 9th 2022
What’s happening with the T is more than an inconvenience, it is unacceptable.
Here’s how you can take action during the @MBTA shutdowns: (🧵1/8)…
Mere days after announcing a month-long shutdown of the #OrangeLine, the MBTA announced a closure of the #GreenLineExtension that serves the same area of Somerville, between the new #UnionSquare branch & Govt Center. ( 2/8)
These closures will be disastrous for riders in Greater Boston who rely on the T every day and who may have limited alternatives during this historic #HeatWave. 🌡️ For many, walking or biking is simply not an option. ( 3/8)
Read 8 tweets
Aug 19th 2019
Great news that the new #OrangeLine cars are now starting to go into service!

#mapoli #mbta
This investment in our public transit system was funded by the modest gas tax increase that the legislature approved in 2013. Now we desperately need to expand and accelerate our investment in improved #subway, #bus, #commuterrail and other transportation infrastructure.

In our area, projects to improve #OakGrove station and rebuild #WinchesterCenter station are well underway, and we are also pushing hard for the @MBTA to upgrade the #MaldenCenter station.

Read 3 tweets

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