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Jan 21st 2021
🎵To understand range and tessitura, look at standard vocal repertoire by master composers, such as An Die Musik by Franz Schubert.


1. The vocal range is an octave plus a perfect forth, much more conservative than the entire possible range of a professional classical singer, which is 2-2 ½ octaves or more. Most art song fits within a vocal range of no more than an octave plus perfect fifth.
2. Schubert doesn’t use the most extreme high or extreme low notes of the singer. The notes fit into the medium low zone of a singer’s range.
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Jan 19th 2021
Composers always ask me…

*How can I write music singers will love?
*What’s a safe range for a singer where I can write whatever I want?
*My mezzo friend told me she has a high B-flat but then I wrote one and she said she can’t sing that word on it. What’s going on? Image
*Why can’t I understand the words in my own piece?

*Why do I need to worry about text setting when I’m writing experimental music using noises and vowel sounds?

Here’s the thing…
Here’s the thing:

Unlike instruments, singers perform TEXT—combinations of vowels and consonants that require different movements of the lips, teeth, tongue, jaw…the SPACE in our mouths.

That means there are SO MANY DIFFERENT WAYS to sing EVERY SINGLE PITCH in a singer’s range
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