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Most recents (2)

Dec 17th 2021
LISTEN: Donald Parham Jr. is at the hospital with a brain/spine injury. Joe Buck says he'd never speculate on an injury, then speculates DP's arm tremors were bc "it's cold tonight, at least by Los Angeles standards."

Ladies and gents, meet rock bottom for sports broadcasting.
Context: @ConcussionLF has only #concussion education program for sports media. Taught at 20 universities. We've offered to train football broadcasters for free. Turned down bc #NFL provides their own training on concussions. Lesson 1: Don't say the c word…
The coverage of #DonaldParhamJr’s brain injury last night was unacceptable.

We created the @ConcussionLF Media Project to train sports media how to cover #concussions accurately and responsibly.

Better coverage helps protect kids like these:
Read 4 tweets
Aug 10th 2019
Does the woodpecker-inspired #Qcollar protect the brain & prevent #concussion?

Take 3 minutes to read this fully referenced thread presenting evidence that a jugular compression collar is unlikely to keep athletes safe

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The #Qcollar is based on the idea that jugular compression increases blood in the brain to create a "bubble wrap" effect, which prevents the it from bouncing around inside the skull.

According to the company, this mechanism is found in Nature.

From the company's promotional video, the device is justified based on reducing brain "slosh" by:

1) Replicating the animal adaptations (see 18:00 in video)
3) Replicating effects of "higher altitude" exposure (see 21:57, again at 36:00)
Read 57 tweets

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