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Dec 27th 2018
🚨SEVENTY NINE MILLION🚨towards legal services for ILLEGAL ALIENS in California $50 million was allocated for homeless!! These are your tax dollars at work #SanctuaryCity #Corruptifornia @GavinNewsom @NancyPelosi @KamalaHarris @AdamSchiff @tedlieu @SenFeinstein
No one voted on this shit, what about all the LEGAL immigrants that paid for their own lawyers? Are they just suckers, they should sue @CAGovOps
Assisting individuals to apply for DACA? It’s three f**king pages if they can’t fill out the form WTF are they adding to society? OMGGGG. Fuming. No wonder Avenatti ran to the border we’re paying them.
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Oct 22nd 2018
Will California ever stop electing corrupt politicians? @NancyPelosi secured $700 million one week after Obama got elected to build the Salesforce tower, a company both she, her husband and Colin Powell own🤦‍♀️ and @TheDemocrats never said a word. #Corruptifornia #VoteDemsOut
She spent her entire time as Speaker tipping people off! SHE CANNOT BE IN THAT POSISTION AGAIN! Vote like your life depends on it because for some, it might!
She magically got her shares in Salesforce via a private offering, what a miracle 🙄
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