Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #cycle2020mmdd

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Jan 27th 2022
#Cycle20220127 -- conditions for all 9 cycles

Your cycle: bMth + bDay + yr + 1

Eg: Lionel Messi (born Jun 24): 6 + 24 + 2022 + 1 = 1 yr

For the Q movement, today is a:
6 yr -- N-E-W year
9-6 month -- unsettled conditions, rest, reflect, try not to worry

To see any cycle of the year (uses 2020's tweets), type "#Cycle2020mmdd" in search (using an actual month & day)

Jan 26, 2022

For the majority of the fitness community 1 strict 'muscle up' is an impressive accomplishment

Guinness World Records - Most consecutive muscle ups (32)

"Max True" also has the record for "Most muscle ups in one hour", at 370.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 7th 2022
#Cycle20220107 -- conditions for all 9 cycles

Your cycle: bMth + bDay + yr + 1

Eg: Lionel Messi (born Jun 24): 6 + 24 + 2022 + 1 = 1 yr

For the Q movement, today is a:
6 yr -- N-E-W year
9-6 month -- unsettled conditions, rest, reflect, try not to worry

To see any cycle of the year (uses 2020's tweets), type "#Cycle2020mmdd" in search (using an actual month & day)

The finest introduction you'll ever hear

"It's always fun to try to follow Larry in a speech..."

Read 5 tweets
Dec 25th 2020
#Cycle20201225 -- conditions for all 9 cycles

Your cycle: bMth + bDay + yr + 1

Eg: Lionel Messi (born Jun 24): 6 + 24 + 2020 + 1 = 8 yr

For the Q movement, today is a 4 (test) yr,
9-4 (Test) mth


See any cycle of the year so far:
"#Cycle2020mmdd" in search
1 yr, 6-7 mth, 4-1 day -- Start/active day, but with tests around.

2 yr, 7-9 mth, 5-3 day -- The two most impulsive qualities... AM best.

3 yr, 8-2 mth, 6-5 day -- New thoughts, people+harvest month...test yr looms.
4 yr, 9-4 mth, 7 day -- Depth of thought, seek the Christ Consciousness within…

5 yr, 1-6 mth, 8-9 day -- Rest/big picture day. Give/specialize.

6 yr, 2-8 mth, 9-2 day -- 2 can be the best listener. #Empathize
Read 5 tweets
Dec 24th 2020
#Cycle20201224 -- conditions for all 9 cycles

Your cycle: bMth + bDay + yr + 1

Eg: Lionel Messi (born Jun 24): 6 + 24 + 2020 + 1 = 8 yr

For the Q movement, today is a 4 (test) yr,
9-4 (Test) mth


See any cycle of the year so far:
"#Cycle2020mmdd" in search
1 yr, 6-7 mth, 3-9 day -- Rest/big picture/plan. Give in all ways.

2 yr, 7-9 mth, 4-2 day -- People day, with tests around. #Persevere

3 yr, 8-2 mth, 5-4 day -- Test day, with the 5 pushing. #ClearTheDecks
4 yr, 9-4 mth, 6 day -- The 6 is the clearest

5 yr, 1-6 mth, 7-8 day -- Harvest (of depth of thought) day. PM best.

6 yr, 2-8 mth, 8-1 day -- Strong start day. Action in all ways.
Read 5 tweets
Dec 23rd 2020
#Cycle20201223 -- conditions for all 9 cycles

Your cycle: bMth + bDay + yr + 1

Eg: Lionel Messi (born Jun 24): 6 + 24 + 2020 + 1 = 8 yr

For the Q movement, today is a 4 (test) yr,
9-4 (Test) mth


See any cycle of the year so far:
"#Cycle2020mmdd" in search
1 yr, 6-7 mth, 2-8 day -- Harvest day, take advantage! (testy undertone month).

2 yr, 7-9 mth, 3-1 day -- Start day, active in all ways, AM best. #Happy !

3 yr, 8-2 mth, 4-3 day -- Test day, getting more so in the PM. #Persevere
4 yr, 9-4 mth, 5 day -- New thoughts, branch out, 5's best for travel. (Adverse month).

5 yr, 1-6 mth, 6-7 day -- Depth day. Settle your affairs. PM best.

6 yr, 2-8 mth, 7-9 day -- Rest/big picture day. Strong start day on 24th.
Read 7 tweets
Dec 22nd 2020
#Cycle20201222 -- conditions for all 9 cycles

Your cycle: bMth + bDay + yr + 1

Eg: Lionel Messi (born Jun 24): 6 + 24 + 2020 + 1 = 8 yr

For the Q movement, today is a 4 (test) yr,
9-4 (Test) mth


See any cycle of the year so far:
"#Cycle2020mmdd" in search
1 yr, 6-7 mth, 1-7 day -- Depth day. Great study day. Deep dive!

2 yr, 7-9 mth, 2-9 day -- Rest/big picture day. Sensitive numbers.

3 yr, 8-2 mth, 3-2 day -- People day, AM best. Test year almost here...
4 yr, 9-4 mth, 4 day -- Test day, month and year. Caution in all ways.

5 yr, 1-6 mth, 5-6 day -- Decisions to be made, expand your thinking.

6 yr, 2-8 mth, 6-8 day -- Strong harvest conditions.
Read 11 tweets
Dec 21st 2020
#Cycle20201221 -- conditions for all 9 cycles

Your cycle: bMth + bDay + yr + 1

Eg: Lionel Messi (born Jun 24): 6 + 24 + 2020 + 1 = 8 yr

For the Q movement, today is a 4 (test) yr,
9-4 (Test) mth


See any cycle of the year so far:
"#Cycle2020mmdd" in search
1 yr, 6-7 mth, 9-6 day -- Decisions to be made. Things are indefinite. #NoWorries

2 yr, 7-9 mth, 1-8 day -- Strong harvest day (of rest/winter month).

3 yr, 8-2 mth, 2-1 day -- Start day. Action in all ways. Get others involved.
4 yr, 9-4 mth, 3 day -- Self-expression. Be happy. Spontaneous. AM best.

5 yr, 1-6 mth, 4-5 day -- Adverse, at odds, day. #ClearTheDecks

6 yr, 2-8 mth, 5-7 day -- Depth day, slow start/sensitive AM. Seek truth.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 27th 2020
#Cycle20201127 -- conditions for all 9 cycles

Your cycle: bMth + bDay + yr + 1

Eg: Flynn (born Dec 24): 12 + 24 + 2020 + 1 = 5 yr

For the Q movement, today is a 4 (test) yr,
8-3 (Self-Expression) mth


See any cycle of the year so far:
"#Cycle2020mmdd" in search
1 yr, 5-6 mth, 5-1 day -- Major start day of your start year. (Undertone mth testy.)

2 yr, 6-8 mth, 6-3 day -- Inspire, support, lift. Music sounds good. AM best.

3 yr, 7-1 mth, 7-5 day -- 5 can be hunchy, 7 sensitve (espec. in AM). Nature helps.
4 yr, 8-3 mth, 8-7 day -- Depth day, harvest conditions. Mth testy.

5 yr, 9-5 mth, 9 day -- Big picture day. Rest/plan/give/specialize.

6 yr, 1-7 mth, 1-2 day -- People + start day. Action with others.
Read 5 tweets
Nov 26th 2020
#Cycle20201126 -- conditions for all 9 cycles

Your cycle: bMth + bDay + yr + 1

Eg: Flynn (born Dec 24): 12 + 24 + 2020 + 1 = 5 yr

For the Q movement, today is a 4 (test) yr,
8-3 (Self-Expression) mth


See any cycle of the year so far:
"#Cycle2020mmdd" in search
1 yr, 5-6 mth, 4-9 day -- Rest & test day. Plan your tomorrow seeds.

2 yr, 6-8 mth, 5-2 day -- People day, new thoughts, stay active.

3 yr, 7-1 mth, 6-4 day -- Test day. Care with the details, & in driving.
4 yr, 8-3 mth, 7-6 day -- Bud (6) before fruit (7/8/9). Things indefinite. Yr & mth testy.

5 yr, 9-5 mth, 8 day -- Pure harvest day. Strong undertone (6 yr's 8-5) coming in.

6 yr, 1-7 mth, 9-1 day -- Start day, with 9 saying give/plan/rest/big picture.
Read 5 tweets
Nov 25th 2020
#Cycle20201125 -- conditions for all 9 cycles

Your cycle: bMth + bDay + yr + 1

Eg: Flynn (born Dec 24): 12 + 24 + 2020 + 1 = 5 yr

For the Q movement, today is a 4 (test) yr,
8-3 (Self-Expression) mth


See any cycle of the year so far:
"#Cycle2020mmdd" in search
1 yr, 5-6 mth, 3-8 day -- Harvest day, AM best. Take advantage.

2 yr, 6-8 mth, 4-1 day -- Start day, with tests around. Modest seeds.

3 yr, 7-1 mth, 5-3 day -- Optimistic AM but the 4 year looms. Lash the wheel in 2021.
4 yr, 8-3 mth, 6-5 day -- 5 says go, mth now testy. Moderate go.

5 yr, 9-5 mth, 7 day -- Depth day. Seek ye within.

6 yr, 1-7 mth, 8-9 day -- Rest/big picture day. Mth now harvesty.
Read 5 tweets

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