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Jan 28th 2021
LIVE | MediaNama is discussing the impact of the Personal Data Protection Bill and the Non-Personal Data Framework on Data and Artificial Intelligence #DataPoliciesandAI
Current algorithms do push us to the limit of trade-offs. However, ideas such as differential privacy can help up in navigating some of those trade-offs - @RahulAPanicker, @WadhwaniAI #DataPoliciesandAI #NAMA
If you want to find the average compensation in a company. One way is to give the sum total and that doesn't allow to identify an individual. Federated learning is another example where your data stays with you, raw data doesn't go into the cloud - @RahulAPanicker, @WadhwaniAI
Read 72 tweets
Jan 28th 2021
We are about to start with our discussion on the impact of the Personal Data Protection Bill and the Non-Personal Data Framework on Data and Artificial Intelligence. #DataPoliciesandAI
First up, will be opening remarks by @RahulAPanicker from @WadhwaniAI at 2:15 pm IST #DataPoliciesandAI
Then, we’ll move on to our first panel discussion for the day where we’ll discuss data collection, using #AI to generate insights & the utility for real-world decision making. #DataPoliciesandAI
Read 6 tweets

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