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Sep 16th 2022
Maathru🙏Vandanam (Maathru chintane)

Certain positions in Nature have surfaced a point of level that can never be encroached upon and have to be recognized/accepted with due respect without any compromise.

One such position is that of a Mother (MaAthru). +
Hindu Puranas and sacred Scripts unequivocally emphasize on the importance of worshiping parents (MaAtha-Pitha);

Famous sloka “Mathru Devo Bhava-Pithru Devo Bhava-Aaachaarya Devo Bhava-Athithi Devo Bhava”
is just...+
an example of how much significance is given to these four elements of human life whose worship is considered as equivalent to the worship of God.

We have examples where several sages, devotees, great personalities and even...+
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