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Mar 1st 2023
Se você já comprou algo feito de madeira, é provável que tenha se deparado com selos que garantem que o produto é 'sustentável'.

Mas tem infrator ambiental ostentando certificação por aí...

Vem entender o #DeforestationInc na @agenciapublica👇
No Brasil, algumas centenas de empresas madeireiras possuem a certificação do @FSC_IC. Em tese, o selo é uma garantia de origem sustentável daquela madeira.
Na prática, ao menos 60 empresas que têm o selo já foram multadas pelo Ibama, num total de + R$ 100 milhões. (+) Image
As infrações incluem desmatamento ilegal, transporte de madeira sem documentação, fraudes em guias florestais, grilagem de terras, entre outras.
Em um dos casos, os donos da madeireira conseguiram a proeza de ir para a cadeia por crime ambiental, algo raríssimo no Brasil (+) Image
Read 8 tweets
Mar 1st 2023
What’s ICIJ’s newest investigation, #DeforestationInc, all about? A thread 🧵 (1/12):
#DeforestationInc, starts with the products that are ubiquitous in our daily lives — the paper towels in our kitchens, the timber furniture in our homes, the cardboard boxes goods are transported in. All these items can be traced back to forests. (2/12)
Many forest products boast green labels — stamps of approval from auditors that are supposed to ensure materials come from environmentally sustainable sources. #DeforestationInc shows that this certification system is failing, with alarming frequency. (3/12)
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Mar 1st 2023
@joan_baxter is one of 140 journalists from 39 media outlets across 27 countries working collaboratively on ‘Deforestation Inc.’ a project of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (@ICIJorg). #SinarMass #PaperExcellence @sinarmas_land…
2) @scilla_alecci Oct. 2022: Four environmental watchdogs allege Paper Excellence and Asia Pulp & Paper used shell co.'s to conceal corporate control by the same Indonesian tycoons accused of clearing more than 2 million hectares of Indonesian rainforest.…
3) Nov. 2017: They show how the Bermuda-based law firm Appleby and brand-name banks such as @CreditSuisse and Netherlands’ @ABNAMRO have continued to help April structure its operations despite questions about the co.’s environmental record. #Deforestation…
Read 7 tweets

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