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Dec 15th 2019
It seems like so many people have given up and are resigned to Trump being Impeached but NOT removed. But I have a little bit of hope and don't want to give up.
Let me explain why I have hope...

First of all you can't judge GOP Senators by the behavior of GOP Congressmen...
23 GOP are retiring but otherwise EVERY GOP Congressman is up for reelection. That may be a factor in how they vote
But Senators are different
4 GOP Senators are retiring
Only 23 are up for reelection
Some GOP are in swing States which may influence their vote in either direction
GOP Congressmen know their votes won't matter, Dems in the house already have the votes so they're under no pressure. It's in the Senate's hands.

But GOP Senators know their votes matter. Those retiring can vote to remove. Those up for may impact their decisions
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