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Jan 11th 2022
đź’‰ Today marks exactly 100 years since Leonard Thompson, a 14-year-old boy dying from type 1 diabetes, became the first person to receive an injection of insulin on 11 January 1922.

A thread 👇 (1/6)
⬇️ Within 24 hours, Leonard’s dangerously high blood sugar levels dropped, but he developed an abscess at the site of the injection and still had high levels of ketones. (2/6)
🔬 Scientists worked day and night on purifying the extract even further, and Leonard was given a second injection on 23 January 1922. This time it was a complete success and Leonard’s blood sugar levels become near-normal, with no obvious side effects. (3/6)
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Nov 14th 2021
🤩 #WorldDiabetesDay is finally here!

This year we're celebrating 100 years since the discovery of insulin & the century of life-changing diabetes discoveries it inspired.

👇 Check out our thread to hear about just a few of the breakthroughs we've seen since 1921... (1/12)
1921: Insulin was discovered 🔬 (2/12) In 1921, Frederick Banting and Charles Best began experiment
1922: The first person was treated with insulin đź’‰ (3/12) On January 11 1922, Leonard Thompson a 14-year-old boy with
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