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Jun 6th 2023
Last week, Daedalic Entertainment, the developers of the stealth adventure J.R.R. Tolkien video game The Lord of The Rings: Gollum, posted an apology for the game failing to “meet the expectations” of players and devs alike. #AppleVisionPro #DiabloIV #FreeSenegal… Although Gollum being one of the worst-rated games of 2023 on Metacritic is a tough L to hold, it led to a pretty wholesome Twitter thread where a bunch of game devs shared testimonials about the lessons they learned while having fun… working on their respective “worst” games.

The ongoing convo among game devs was sparked by a tweet from God of War: Ragnarök senior environment artist Danni Carlone. In a quote-retweet of a Video Games Chronicle article about Gollum
Read 7 tweets
Mar 27th 2023
During the #DiabloIV beta weekend, I noticed a bunch of people asking questions about this moment in the Prologue. I wanted to take a moment and explain how a beat like this gets created and the reasoning behind it. Spoilers within! 1/
So, at this point in the story, we've met Lorath, and we know about the Cathedral of Light, that it's a very stern and powerful organization led by an angel. We've made our way to the capital city of the region, and are stopped before we enter.
The guard demands we do a cleansing ritual before we can enter. Lorath scoffs at it, and refuses. Another guard just tells the first to let Lorath pass as she's had no luck getting him to do the ritual over the years. He enters the city, but we cannot.
Read 12 tweets
Mar 18th 2023
I wanted to expand on my initial impressions with the #DiabloIV beta.

After playing the sorceress until level 25 and also playing the barbarian until level 18, here are some of the highlights and problems for me.

I'll try to stay as objective as possible:

Visuals and audio:

I'd really like to highlight again how good the game looks. The effects on the snow, the armours and NPCs and the animations are all top notch.

The music is sad, dark, dramatic, adventurous and cold. It fits the atmopshere of the icy regions


After playing the barbarian I also really started to appreciate the physics engine in the game.

The impact of an 'upheaval' attack on a group of enemies is amazing. The weight, sound, knockback, corpse rackdolling is very very well done.

Read 24 tweets
Mar 17th 2023
Finished #DiabloIV beta (act1 content) on a sorceress here are some of my impressions.

I'll try to stay as objective and unbiased as possible.

Technical things/bugs:

There were some network difficulties regarding disconnects with long queue times, but I believe those are beta-state of the game.

I hope these will not occur on the actual release.

Other than that I did not enounter any bugs.
No complains here!


Graphically Diablo is very engaging. I found the visuals great, the overall atmosphere was dark and reminded me more of D1/D2 and POE rather than D3.

The ingame cutscenes are a bit meh, but the actual gameplay looks crisp with great looking characters and armours

Read 23 tweets

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