Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #AppleVisionPro

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Jun 11th 2023
In #Crypto, everything happens at lightning speed, and sometimes we miss very important news that could affect our portfolio.
So, here is a list of all the important news of the past week, which I have compiled 📰🗞️

#CryptoNews #cryptocrash Image
🚨Nigeria regulator says local Binance operations 'illegal'.

🔔 #TUSD temporarily stopped issuing TUSD through Prime Trust.

🔔 #Robinhood will no longer support #Solana, #Polygon and #Cardano after June 27, 2023.
💥 #OKX burns 5.5 million #OKB exchange tokens — worth roughly $244 million.

🔔 Binance_US suspends all USD deposits following SEC lawsuit.

💥 #Kraken launches its NFT marketplace on #Polygon.
Read 11 tweets
Jun 7th 2023
1/7 Here's what I think is the biggest deal about Apple Vision Pro that will get them selling over a million gadgets next year and maybe 10-15M in 2025. And it's something all other VR/AR/MR headset makers just plain missed.
2/7 I ain't even talking 'bout their mind-blowing screens, cameras, and processors. I've been in the game making AI cameras for four years, so trust me when I say, no other company can realistically catch up to Apple with what they've done with Vision hardware and software.
3/7 But, that's not even the biggest deal here. Remember the smartphone scene in 2006? Some of 'em even had styluses. I had a Blackberry with a QWERTY keyboard, like a proper investment lad.
Read 8 tweets
Jun 7th 2023
9 de outubro de 2021. O dia em que eu e o @kauai_guarilha "inventamos" o #AppleVisionPro . Image
Em 2021 nosso trabalho da cadeira de Sistemas Colaborativos da pós em Engenharia de Software pela UFRJ, propomos uma "rede social imersiva" com uso de VR, na ocasião pensamos em uma primeira aplicação em ambientes controlados, como em shows ou parques temáticos. Image
Para defender o uso de utilizar um dispositivo no mínimo incomum, olhamos para as festas que já são realizadas com headphones. O princípio seria o mesmo, com a diferença que nesse caso, além da audição, a visão também seria impactada. Image
Read 17 tweets
Jun 6th 2023
BIG NEWS: Apple's Vision Pro headset is here!

A whole new world of "spatial computing" awaits us.

Say hello to the future of tech, blending reality with the digital realm.

#AppleEvent #WWDC23
This isn't just another gadget you stare at - this is a device you EXPERIENCE!

Control a 3D interface with your keyboard, game controller, or even simulated apps within Xcode.

Your home view is now 360-degrees!
How it works?

- This tech marvel has been engineered for developers, with app support playing a crucial role.

- Developers can create immersive 3D apps that were once a dream.

#TechTrends #AppleVisionPro
Read 9 tweets
Jun 6th 2023
HOLD UP: Apple just dropped Apple Vision Pro.

It’s a whole AR computer in your headset.

Say goodbye to reality as you know it.

#WWDC23 #AppleVisionPro #AR
This is the “first Apple product you look through, not at.”

You can interact with the 3D interface using your eyes, hands, and voice.

The home view is like a hologram in front of you.
How to control it:

- Forget about controllers- you only need your eyes, hands, and voice.

- Gesture, gaze, and gab with your hands, eyes, and Siri to make things happen.
Read 8 tweets
Jun 6th 2023
五年前因为要去读VR专业的Master,拥有了人生第一个VR headset:Oculus Go(停产了都),那时候就在想这玩意儿啥时候能进入千万家成为消费级产品。五年后终于等来一个苹果,作为根正苗红的VR Producer,咱就来唠唠 #AppleVisonPro 🧵 ImageImage
1/n 五年时间里XR生态都发生了什么?前看硬件, @MetaQuestVR @htcvive 占据市场大头,一体机和PC机各自开花;后看软件,影视和游戏永远与媒介变化为伍;至于应用场景,除开工业级别的尝试,泛娱乐和创作向也都逐渐成为主流。市场教育逐渐成型,苹果选择此时入场可谓天时地利人和(心疼一秒小扎
2/n “我头好晕”“我头好痛” 这两句话是我听到最多的XR体验感受,#AppleVisionPro 解决这些问题了吗?首先宣传片且放一边,咱单看没有那根过脑的中间绑带,我就能想象本亚洲人的塌鼻子该承受多大的压力😇至于眩晕感,想必任何一个容易晕车的朋友都能懂这种痛苦可能真的无法轻易通过屏幕调节来释放😢
Read 5 tweets
Jun 6th 2023
Last week, Daedalic Entertainment, the developers of the stealth adventure J.R.R. Tolkien video game The Lord of The Rings: Gollum, posted an apology for the game failing to “meet the expectations” of players and devs alike. #AppleVisionPro #DiabloIV #FreeSenegal… Although Gollum being one of the worst-rated games of 2023 on Metacritic is a tough L to hold, it led to a pretty wholesome Twitter thread where a bunch of game devs shared testimonials about the lessons they learned while having fun… working on their respective “worst” games.

The ongoing convo among game devs was sparked by a tweet from God of War: Ragnarök senior environment artist Danni Carlone. In a quote-retweet of a Video Games Chronicle article about Gollum
Read 7 tweets
Jun 5th 2023
📢 Thread: WWDC 2023 Live 🚀

🕗 8:19 am: We've arrived on site and going through the check-in process. Excitement is in the air! #WWDC2023 #AppleEvent
🕗 8:48 am: Take a glimpse of the main seating area with the new shade structure, preparing for an incredible event. The stage is set for something amazing! #WWDC2023 #AppleEvent
🕘 9:39 am: Apple's live stream is now available on the TV app. Stay tuned for the start of the event. Watch it wherever you are! #WWDC2023 #AppleEvent
Read 158 tweets

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