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Jun 18th 2020
HUGE!!!! Supreme Court give DREAMers a major win: rescinding #DACA violates the APA must be vacated. #HomeIsHere
Extremely complex decision w many many subtle layers w huge implications 4 all aspect of immigration law: from reviewability, to 1252g, to of course APA 'arbitrary and capricious' standard. Practical: it is a mirror to the Census case -- sends it back for agency to consider anew.
Thomas dissent: "This ruling is incorrect and it will hamstring all future agency attempts to undo actions that exceed statutory authority."
Read 39 tweets
Jun 18th 2019
For #DirtyImmigrationLawyers who've listened to the government's arguments in Flores, this oral argument is particularly satisfying:…

Ninth Circuit judges find themselves "mystified" at Ms. Fabian's explanation of the government's interpretation.
"You're really gonna stand up and tell us is that being able to sleep isn't a condition of safe and sanitary conditions." - Judge Berzon, on DOJ's appeal of decisions affecting CBP hold rooms in the #RGV
Also, a bit of news, as these things go, Ms. Fabian told the 9th circuit that while the notice & comment period on the Flores regulations has closed, she's not aware of when the final regs will be promulgated.
Read 6 tweets

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