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Feb 19th 2022
Many Arabian tribes had helped the British against the Ottomans during the First World War, but there were two in particular which London promised to reward at the war’s end:

1. The Saudis
2. The Hashemites

Both were promised the same thing – control of the Arabian Peninsula.
As a result, the Saud and Hashemite tribes often fought each other.
So the British created new maps, drew some lines and said the head of the Saud family could rule over one region, and the head of the Hashemites could rule the other, although each would ‘need’ a British diplomat to keep an eye on things. #divideandconquer
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Jun 30th 2021
FAR RIGHT STRATEGY: Infiltrate; #DivideAndConquer
“I hope that people have followed my nearly decade-long instruction to embed yourselves in black, gay, tranny, and other liberal internet communities. We need to start getting trannies to stand against blacks and visa-versa....”
”Also tell reddit soys to go there and stand with one group or the other.
The more we can jam up the gears of this system, where they have to deal with their own groups going against each other, the less resources they are going to have to hunt us down.”
”The key here is to whip black people up into a frenzy. That is the number one method of jamming the gears.
It is also definitely possible to whip them into a frenzy against immigrants.”
—Andrew Anglin
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Jan 23rd 2021
So this piece is actually about Ghana. A few questions came to mind when I scanned it.
1. Wondering if this very real situation in UK-Ghana trade was brought up during the UK-Africa Investment Conference earlier this week. I think it's really important that these grand conversations are grounded in reality. Not just exchanging nice words but finding solutions.
2. Compagnie Frutiere @CFUKLimited was mentioned. I found out about them only last week when I initially panicked that the pineapple I bought in Dakar was from Europe. The pineapple was from Cote d'Ivoire but exported by Compagnie Fruitiere. Curious to know more about them.
Read 7 tweets
Jun 21st 2020
They had to block access for people who had tickets and take tickets from people who wanted to go. Meantime, millions of President Trump's supporters see this happening. Do they think this will dissuade us from voting for him? We remember. #KAG
They measure their success by how many people they prevent from attending a free event. As they used to measure their success by how low they can keep an entire race of people.
They rule by division, giving one group 15% of what they want, a competing group 20% of their agenda & another group 30% of their goal; all to achieve 50%+1, individual rights be damned - the very definition of mob rule, a Marxist tenet #divideandconquer.
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