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Jun 8th 2018
The Stream of Many Eyes #SoMEDnD was a huge undertaking, but as I am settling back in @wizards_dnd HQ, I’m incredibly pleased w/ how well it blended so many facets of #DnD fandom together to celebrate this crazy hobby & introduce the new Waterdeep storylines. 1/62 (really)
#SoMEDND was only accomplished through massive efforts from the #DnD community. I’ve tried to highlight everyone I could over the weekend, but I’d love to give more shout-outs to all the folks who made this event a success! Strap in, this is going to be a long thread… 2/62
Mr. @PelhamGreene did everything I asked & more than I’ll ever know to making #SoMEDND a success. Working with cosplayers, putting the social schedule together, and keeping me sane as a constant sounding board was all very much appreciated. Thanks so much Pelham! 3/62
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