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May 19th 2022
A thread on #ElectoralReforms to enhance women participation & make next #GE more inclusive:

1. Around 12 million less women are registered as voters compared to men. #NADRA must be provided resources & directed to reach out to un-registered population/ women, to issue #NICs
within a year to enable them to vote.

2. Currently, it is #ECP discretion to declare poll in a constituency void, if less than 10% women voted. It is suggested that it must be made mandatory for #ECP, not discretionary, to declare poll void if less than 20% women voted, not just
in NA/ PA polls but also in #LG election.

3. #ECP must be mandated to take proactive measures to assess reasons of low turnout of women & other disadvantaged groups, facilitate their participation & take measures to remove any institutional or cultural barriers to free exercise
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