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I've scored columnists' predictions for the outcome of the 2017 snap election made by the @guardian's very own #MysticMegs (written just after May announced it) - Zoe Williams, Matthew d'Ancona, Martin Kettle, Sonia Sodha, Simon Jenkins, Ruth Wishart, & Gaby Hinsliff. Image
Pretty much everyone on earth had decided this was definitely going to be a humiliating defeat for Corbyn's @UKLabour, with many pundits confidently predicting massive losses - including 'political Brexpert', Matt Goodwin. đŸ€Ł

It resulted in an unexpected hung parliament. Image
From 20 points behind in the polls, Corbyn won 40% of the vote, the largest increase in vote share by a Labour leader since Clem Attlee in 1945, winning 30 more seats than Ed Miliband in 2015, including seats like Canterbury & Plymouth that for years had been Labour no-go areas. ImageImage
Read 11 tweets
🌐🌊 Know Your Key LNG Players: Baker Hughes 🏭

Baker Hughes is a global leader in the LNG industry, providing reliable and efficient gas turbine solutions to power LNG facilities worldwide. 💹🌍 1/8
Their range of gas turbines includes both aeroderivative and frame turbines, as well as power generation turbine packages. 🔌🏭 #BakerHughes #LNG #GasTurbines 2/8
In 2017, Baker Hughes acquired GE's turbine business, including both aeroderivative and frame turbines.

This acquisition has enabled Baker Hughes to provide even more comprehensive solutions to their LNG customers. đŸ€đŸ­ #Acquisition #GE #TurbineBusiness 3/8
Read 8 tweets
800 millions€ transfĂ©rĂ©s de France vers des paradis fiscaux. Depuis le rachat de la branche Ă©nergie d’#Alstom, en 2015, la multinationale US #GE aurait mis en place un systĂšme d’évasion fiscale entre France, Suisse et Delaware avec bĂ©nĂ©diction de Bercy.

Une sociĂ©tĂ© crĂ©Ă©e pour l’occasion Ă  Baden (Suisse); General Electric Switzerland GmbH (GES); dĂšs lors, l’usine de Belfort, annoncĂ©e Ă  l’époque du rachat comme futur siĂšge mondial des activitĂ©s de turbines du groupe, cesse d’ĂȘtre «fabricant» pour devenir «unitĂ© de fabrication»...
"intĂ©rĂȘt de ce tour de passe-passe: permettre Ă  l’antenne helvĂšte de revendre les turbines au client final afin de percevoir les bĂ©nĂ©fices: 97% des bĂ©nĂ©fices se sont envolĂ©s vers la Suisse oĂč le taux d’imposition sur les bĂ©nĂ©fices se situe entre 17% et 22%, contre 33% en France."
Read 10 tweets
A thread on #ElectoralReforms to enhance women participation & make next #GE more inclusive:

1. Around 12 million less women are registered as voters compared to men. #NADRA must be provided resources & directed to reach out to un-registered population/ women, to issue #NICs
within a year to enable them to vote.

2. Currently, it is #ECP discretion to declare poll in a constituency void, if less than 10% women voted. It is suggested that it must be made mandatory for #ECP, not discretionary, to declare poll void if less than 20% women voted, not just
in NA/ PA polls but also in #LG election.

3. #ECP must be mandated to take proactive measures to assess reasons of low turnout of women & other disadvantaged groups, facilitate their participation & take measures to remove any institutional or cultural barriers to free exercise
Read 9 tweets
They are trying to build ONE plant, which is way over budget and behind schedule (Flamanville);
They "persuaded" #GE to sell back to a French company a plant which builds the steam turbine component. (/)
That technology has nothing to do with the ability to build #NUCLEAR plants, that component might as well be part of a coal based generator. Yet, the media sold that news as relevant.
Nothing has been done in order to make the bureaucratic/approval process more streamlined.(/)
While the official Macron plan allegedly is to build six more similar EPR 2 plants, with an option on 12 more, no news has been aired about starting an "assembly line" process where expertise will be maintained, at the project/approval/assembly level.(/)
Read 4 tweets
Festive hustings here at st Johns Methodist church in #Whitchurch. #libdems @helenhalcrow up first with introduction. Time for #NorthShropshire to stop being taken for granted, support farmers & invest in rail & buses.
Next @DuncanKer . Talks about his experience in local govt as a social workerchief exec. Moved to #NorthShropshire in 2012, made a rundown chapel into an arts & community centre. Elected first #green on #oswestry town & then @ShropCouncil . Lists some campaigns, agst fracking,
Agst NHS cuts,& trying to save the ambulance station. In May 2021 @TheGreenParty was the only one to win seats in #NorthShropshire . Now 12 of 18 seats on #oswestry town council. #Greens can win elections & when they do people vote for more.
Read 33 tweets
I was writing a rebuttal to Dr Grum’s article “The Case for GMOs” @Ethiobserver . But I have to break my silence as some people, out of their utter ignorance, are relentlessly making ad hominem attacks on #GMO opponents. #Ethiopia
You can search “@kebyes GMO” so that you will learn how enthusiastic I am about the issue. Unlike others who are bashing every opinion/evidence, I like to ask questions first. That is how you learn. So please ask before resorting to attacks, PEOPLE. #Ethiopia
Read 68 tweets
Tapis rouge Ă  #Versailles pour

âžĄïžles Ă©vadĂ©s fiscaux : #Google #Netflix #Fedex
âžĄïžles destructeurs d'emploi : #GeneralElectric
âžĄïžles pollueurs et destructeurs de la planĂšte : #CocaCola
âžĄïžceux qui privilĂ©gient le court-terme Ă  la planĂšte : #INGBank #EY #Fosun
âžĄïžetc Image
@attac_fr Par exemple @generalelectric va ĂȘtre reçu en grande pompe Ă  #Versailles alors que
âžĄïžle patron de sa branche française - ex-conseiller de Macron - est visĂ© par une enquĂȘte pour prise illĂ©gale d'intĂ©rĂȘts e
âžĄïž#GE a prĂ©vu de supprimer des centaines d'emplois en France

#TapisRouge va de pair avec des facilitĂ©s pour ces investisseurs pour court-circuiter les rĂ©gulations environnementales liĂ©es Ă  l'installation de sites industriels : 12 sites vont ĂȘtre livrĂ©s "clĂ©s en main" aux industriels

#ChooseFrance #Environnement

Read 5 tweets
Analysis: #NYSE: #GE

Case 43 #GeneralElectric Company

DISCLAIMER: The analysis is strictly for educational purposes and should not be construed as an invitation to trade.

Thread 👇👇👇

GE 1/7
The monthly chart shows a very bearish outlook - a series of lower lows/lower highs. However the 2009 low at 5.73 has not been violated and daily moving averages are #bullish.

GE 2/7
Chart 1
Monthly Chart: The last time price broke above the #SMA 20 was October 2015, we are only into one week of trading but the price is currently above the same moving average. Some temporary #support can be seen off the broken #pivot resistances.

GE 3/7
Read 7 tweets
Three months later than usual @ONS have published UK National Accounts for 2018.

This series of tweets will draw attention to the financial mess #Brexit is creating for the United Kingdom.

We hear about UK national debt a lot, but not much on trade and UK balance of payments.
In their quarterly reports @ons have been warning us that UK trade deficit with EU was actually improving while trade with non-EU Rest of the World (ROW) was heading the opposite direction, despite #Brexiteers telling us that this is where our future lies!
@ONS So let's see what bad news #Brexit uncertainty has brought to our National Accounts for the last year 2018 just out:

"The UK trade deficit widened to 1.8% of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2018, from 1.2% in 2017, its highest since 2010"
Read 12 tweets
Poll Final:

I'm very heartened by this.


1. There's now a (growing) majority for remain; and

2. The adjuste-to-only-count-real-votes number says 98.9% will vote non-tribally to stop #Brexit


That predicts a more-hung parliament with remain in the 1/2
2/2 driving-seat.

We need a #GE for that to happen. If there is one, let's make that happen!
Read 4 tweets
THREAD: Body Language Analysis No.4360: GE's CEO Larry Culp's CNBC Interview & Subsequent Stock Sell-off ‱ ‱ #Nonverbal #EmotionalIntelligence #LarryCulp #CEO #GE #GeneralElectric #CrisisManagement #Stock #MediaTraining #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert
1/ On Monday 12 November 2018, GE's CEO, Larry Culp gave an interview on CNBC. What follows is a partial nonverbal analysis of that exchange and some recommendations and ideas I would propose if he were one of my private clients.
2/ In a business setting, with rare exception, a man should always wear a navy or black suit. Even light grey suits should be avoided, let alone plaid, or beige. Only navy and black suits command the highest authority, rapport, and influence.
Read 72 tweets

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