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Jan 28th 2021
Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (EFV) was an attempt to do something truly remarkable and failed horribly. But always a cracker to revisit and look at what was almost achieved when someone left the USMC unattended and they dared to dream #miltwitter #tanktwitter #usmc #EFV
EFV has a long and confused history under several earlier guises including the Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle (AAAV) but in essence from the 1970s had been seeking to find a modern high speed replacement for the venerable AAV-7A1 family of amphibious assault vehicles
The original requirements were, in honesty, just mad. 3 crew & 17(!) dismounts, 30mm stabilised turret, water speed of >25kts and a range of 400km (though notional mission was 46km swim over the horizon). On land, peer mobility to an M1A1 and 550 km range with high survivability
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