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86 episode 14 watch thread! #eightysix
Poor Shin. Old habits dies hard and no one gets it. #eightysix
Oh Marcel. I get the feeling a lot of people are going to be iffy about him this season, but he's a good guy, really. Asato likes him for a reason. Anyway, Shin doesn't sweat him too much rn; he's used to being treated worse by his colleagues. #eightysix
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Asato Asato anime commentary thread for 86 cour 2! #eightysix
Shiden Iida:

The captain of the new squadron under Lena's command. An "Oddeye"—has heterochromia. #eightysix
In the novel, her design is first revealed in volume 4. Interestingly, is oddly similar to a certain character Sudou Ren's "The Gambler does not Pray", another Dengou novel prize novel (A big breasted girl who talks like a man). #eightysix
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