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Dec 26th 2022
1/ ๐Ÿงต
The evils always paved their way with their nice-sounding intentions (e.g. to save the planet, for your health, for your safety, to protect the elderly). This is how people got obedient. This is how they get the people's favor in the first place.
For example... ๐Ÿ‘‡
... in 1971, Nixon said to protect the US dollar against outside "speculators" they need to unpeg the dollar from #gold "temporarily".
In 1934, under Roosevelt Executive Order they also need to "save the economy" by removing the private ownership of #gold.
And recent example "to protect the elderly" they said we need to get vax. And the list goes on and on, they're stripping away your freedom one by one every time there is an emergency either from their own mistake or they deliberately create & build narrative from it...
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