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May 28th 2021
Check out the fourth episode of the Brussels Report Podcast!

This time, our guest is former EFTA Court President and Swiss legal scholar Carl Baudenbacher @C_Baudenbacher:…
#EUSwiss #EFTA #InstA
In this podcast, he discusses the EU-Swiss relationship and what is the way forward. The podcast was recorded just before EU-Swiss negotiations on a new “Framework Agreement” failed, something which Professor Baudenbacher discussed here in more detail:…
During the podcast discussion, Professor @C_Baudenbacher comments: "How should an old democracy and successful economy like Switzerland accept submitting itself to the top court of the other side?" (referring to the ECJ)
Read 6 tweets
May 27th 2021
"Why did EU-Swiss negotiations on a Framework Agreement fail?"

New article, by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. @C_Baudenbacher, President of the EFTA Court between 2003 and 2017, an independent consultant and arbitrator…
#InstA #EUSwiss #Switzerland @JHahnEU #efta
"After much agony, the seven-year long negotiations between the EU and Switzerland on the conclusion of a framework agreement have ended without result. In line with Brussels’ spin, public opinion tends to put the blame on the Swiss. But the matter is not that simple."
"In 1992, a narrow majority of the Swiss people and a clear majority of the cantons said no to Switzerland’s accession to the EEA Agreement. After that, the EU concluded two packages of bilateral agreements with Switzerland"
Read 11 tweets

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