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Oct 3rd 2019
I’ve had conversations about @BostonSchools #ExamSchools with equity advocates, but also with folks I’ve met knocking doors across the city. I appreciate that @BCassellius faces the same political barriers her predecessors did on the topic of admissions. #bospoli
The statistics for #BostonLatinSchool, considered by some to be BPS’ “crown jewel” are plain enough. In a district ~14% white, BLS enrollment is ~46% white.
In a district ~31% Black and ~42% Latinx, BLS enrollment is 7.5% and 12.5% respectively.
Some folks argue that such a disparity is simply the result of “merit-based admissions.” That thinking imagines students in a racial and socio-economic vacuum, not the city of Boston where white family wealth is more than 20x that of families of color.…
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