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Jan 29th 2021
Good news! The New York State Board of Elections voted yesterday to REJECT certification of ES&S’s ExpressVote XL all-in-one barcode ballot marking device (BMD), a glitchy & hackable touchscreen that ES&S has hoped officials would stupidly buy in lieu of pen and paper. 1/
I’m still trying to find out @NYSBOE’s reasoning, but I know one problem was that the ExpressVote XL runs on Windows 7 and can only mark ballots in English. If the XL were a person, it would be a MAGA. 2/
The XL has other problems. It runs the barcode “paper ballot” back under the printout AFTER the voter reviews it, which experts say means it could be maliciously programmed to eff with the barcode that is the only part of the “paper ballot” counted as your vote. 3/
Read 22 tweets
Jan 15th 2021
“‘As many advocates have warned, this machine [ESS’s ExpressVote XL] is highly problematic: it ....has malfunctioned in other states in recent elections, & ...cannot even print non-English ballots,’ Assemblywoman Catalina Cruz (D-Queens) said...” 1/…
2/ “Susan Greenhalgh, senior advisor on election security with advocacy group Free Speech For People, said there are major concerns regarding safety since ES&S still uses Windows 7 as its operating software despite vowing to upgrade the machines.” @SEGreenhalgh
3/ #ExpelTheXL (graphic by @_Jo_di)
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