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Nov 29th 2019
Winnowing in progress on one of our rice farms in Jere, Kaduna.

In grain preparation, winnowing is the post harvest process done after threshing. It is done to separate the grain from chaff and dirt using the wind.
#thriveagric #tgif #farmupdate #farmwiththrive #farmersfirst Image
The wind direction is a very important factor in the winnowing operation.

As seen in this video, the farmers are winnowing in the direction that the wind is blowing. Winnowing will not be effective if the grains are winnowed in the opposite direction of the wind. #thriveagric
Notice how excited our farmers are to be working on a Friday?😏 Could it be because it’s the end of the month and a new farming cycle is about to begin?🤔

Well, this is our reminder to you, not to spend all your money this salary weekend because the wait is almost over🕺🏽 ImageImage
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