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May 26th 2023
Today, many startup founders wonder how to write a great blurb for their firms. Well, it's not rocket science, but effort has to be there! A twitter thread...

#startups #blurb #intro #pitch #gist #economics #business #finance #investment Image
A great blurb always helps startup owners effectively introduce their products & services to their target audience. Besides increasing the sales, a short yet crispy blurb can also attract investors for startup funding. It can be a tool to attract the best talents, too. #HR #IT
Your startup blurb should be different for different purposes, but here’s what a great blurb should consist of:

-A pitch within 25 words.
-Use bullet points to highlight relevant stuff.
-Additional context
Read 11 tweets
Mar 10th 2023
It is so easy to get lost in the fast pace of #Web3 -

That is why you should read #Web3WeeklyPulse

The research features 🔥 news from #IndustrialSignals and #Web3Infra to the #EcosystemDigest.

Sit back and Read 🧵 Image

@coinbase is starting a “wallet as a service” (WAAS) business that will allow companies to customize blockchain wallets for their own customers.

#DidYouKnow that @floor, @moonraygame @thirdweb, and @tokenproof already started


@ImpossibleCloud, a decentralized cloud platform, raised $7 million in seed funding, led by HV Capital and 1kx.…

Read 11 tweets
Mar 10th 2023
Karakter macem apa dah yang suka manipulatif bikin gue dituduh monolog pake akun jeketifess sama jeketifeed? Bahkan sampe gue dibenci beberapa orang.😂

Ada buktinya nih banyak~
Malas spill guyss. Tapi woti-woti di grup yang merangkap sebagai Wizone dah tau semua kelakuannya. 😂

Tanya Sam aja, bahaha.
Oh, ini aja dah salah satunya. Pokoknya kalo dahulu kala ada nama Hanif di menfess berarti dia ini pengirimnya. Pake akun @.yusnitarosyani, @.antoniolefrand, @.Nathan_Onad, dll. Satu orang itu. 😂😂

Dan korbannya ga cuma aku aja sih, beberapa fans juga ada yang kena. Image
Read 5 tweets
Dec 2nd 2022
The Ministry Of Marriage

1./ A long time ago, I attended a bridal shower. Most of us guests were married. After the laughter and eating, we got to “That Part.”

The part where “Wise marital advice is given to the bride.”

There was A LOT. Do this, do that, be this, be that.
2./ Men like this, men like that. . . It went on ad nauseum.

When I got home, I was gisting hubby about it all and the many items on the “Marital Success To Do List” my friend had received.

When I paused, the man asked me; “Why do women like to set high jumps for themselves?”
3./ I was nonplussed. High jumps ke? Daddy wa? You have come again with your problem. Where is the high-jump inside this expo that people were giving a dear friend?

I asked him what he meant. He said to me; “Do you think that if her husband’s friends take him out,
Read 19 tweets
Nov 18th 2022
To Everything There Is A Season

1./ Is it me? Or is the world becoming too full of pressure?

I was having a conversation with my 15 year old son who will sit for WAEC next year. He advised me to start building his 9 year old sister’s CV.🤷‍♀️
2./ I’m like; “Huh?🙄🙆🏾‍♀️ Award-winning son said what? Build a CV for a 9-year old?”

According to him (he’s on the basketball and football team in his school), he didn’t start early enough to build his CV because he ‘didn’t know.’ But he wants us to start early for his sister.
3./ She plays football and basketball and she swims. She also studies piano and the violin. But he wants us to add some kind of community/volunteer work. If possible some literary stuff.

I’m like; “Guy?!?! Chill for Jesus. This kid is 9. You’re 15.
Read 12 tweets
Sep 23rd 2022
Who'd like to end their week on a good feeling & help a group of predominantly #Native kids (mostly #Cherokee) in NE Oklahoma?😄 We all know Oklahoma schools are way underfunded, so field trips are few & far between. My mom teaches 7th/8th grade language arts at a rural school...
in Delaware County. She loves to read & introduce her students to classic authors, short stories & experiences they wouldn’t normally get in a small, rural school 60+ miles from Tulsa. Over the summer she found a theater company that caters to school field trips stopping in Tulsa
Chamber Theater Productions tours the country and performs classics like The Monkey’s Paw, The Raven, The Tell-Tale Heart, The Necklace, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, etc. Here’s a link: Most of these kids have likely never been to a live play. 🎭
Read 11 tweets
Sep 9th 2022
Every human being has organ systems that keep their body running. Much of what we focus on is about the physical part of our body than the emotional part.

💚What else does the body do that we do not know of ? ImageImage
💚Listen to the Liza Express Podcast wherever you listen to podcasts and join our IG live this evening as we learn more about 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗱 𝗚𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗳 / 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝘂𝗺𝗮 𝗶𝗻 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗕𝗼𝗱𝘆.

💚Our bodies have stories to tell. Are you willing to listen?
Read 3 tweets
Jul 8th 2022
1/ We’ve got a #TGIF super cute animal photo for you! 🐐

A kid goat named Simba with absurdly, delightfully long ears (21 inches), is now a media star in his native Pakistan.
2/ Simba's owner, Mohammad Hasan Narejo, wants recognition from the Guinness World Records. But up until now, there hasn't been a category for "longest-eared goat."

Narejo is showering Simba with prayers of protection. 🐐
3/ #TGIF Have a great weekend everyone!

And keep listening to The World 🌎
Read 3 tweets
May 10th 2022
For the next three months, I plan to post a slide-a-day from the @MSFTResearch #NewFutureofWork report, calling out interesting tidbits and providing links to learn more. Find the complete report at: Image
An amazing amount of work went into producing the #NewFutureofWork report. I created a list so that you can follow all of the report authors on Twitter:… Image
#Slide17: Priorities have shifted towards tighter integration of work and personal needs. E.g., the #WTI (…) shows that many are more like to put family, personal life over work than before the pandemic. #Flexibility #NewFutureofWork Image
Read 24 tweets
Mar 2nd 2022
Jacob David, Jaycee Eubanks, Isiah Desmond Kirk, Mercedes Losoya, Deonn Carter, Jzya Thompson, RonNiveya O'neal, Stavian Driver, Marchs McGhee, Aaron Carter, Gavin Douyon, Nicole Amari Hall, Elijah McCain, Stephon Wotts, Melissa Stoddard. Kendrick Lee, Izzy Techenor.
Kobe Heisler, Avonte Oquendo, Reece Watts, Jeremiah Degrate Rios, Omarion Humphrey, Maleah Davis, Keydall Jones, Rashaad Germany Jr, Duke Flores, Chris Castillo, unnamed 7 year old girl (hit and run), unnamed 10 year old boy (murdered), Jayliel Vega Bautista, Gabriel King.
Zavire Dion Portis, Xavier Hernandez, Jayden Morrison, Linden Cameron, Brian Alejandro Ripley, Liam Husted Brown, Hazana Anderson, Eliza Talalir, Mohamed Nour, Keyontae Holzendort, John Tecas, Maliyah Bass, Thomas Valva, Najib Masif, Antonio diStasio, Kyrin Carter.
Read 25 tweets
Jan 2nd 2022
Usually I watch Let It Be on Jan 2, but now with #TheBeatlesGetBack in our ears and in our eyes, I'll do what many of us are probably doing & watching the corresponding days in GB. I also hoping the bite-sized pieces is how I get my 9- and 11-year-olds to sit through all 8 hrs.
They're already pretty well versed in the group, as you'd imagine given their lineage.

9yo: "They used to eat on stage in Hamburg"
Read 334 tweets
Nov 12th 2021
Hello from Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly's virtual courtroom, where a plea hearing is set for 9:30am in the case of Lonnie Coffman, charged with bringing a cache of firearms + homemade napalm Molotov cocktails to DC on Jan. 6…
Here's the dial-in info for Kollar-Kotelly's line if you'd like to listen:
Toll Free Number: 866-390-1828
Access Code: 9159943
Coffman has been in jail since his arrest in Jan. On the public line in advance of the plea hearing, his lawyer asks how he's doing, he replies "Not too well" and starts describing an incident at the jail, but it's muffled. Lawyer moves them to a private breakout room to discuss
Read 39 tweets
Oct 15th 2021
🎉🥳#TGIF and it is ELI-5 time! Today, we talk about the last topic for the self-managed model for cBridge 2.0: how cBridge 2.0's design provides the first-ever solution to the "griefing problem" in the non-custodial bridging system using the Celer State Guardian Network. Image
1/n So what is “griefing”? In the self-managed bridging model of cBridge 2.0’s two models, two steps are always needed for the cross-chain transaction to happen for both the bridge nodes and the user in the following sequence.
2/n Step 1 for the user: make a “time-locked” transfer to the bridge node on the source chain, where only she has the key to unlocking this transfer.
Step 1 for the bridge node: make a locked transfer to the user on the destination chain, using the exact same lock as the user. Image
Read 9 tweets
Oct 8th 2021
I find this to be Very interesting and meaningful message.


If each alphabet has a numeric value &
A is 1
B is 2
C is 3
D is 4
E is 5
F is 6
G is 7
H is 8
I is 9
J is 10
K is 11
L is 12
M is 13
N is 14
O is 15
P is 16
Q is 17
R is 18
S is 19
T is 20
U is 21
V is 22
W is 23
X is 24
Y is 25 &
Z is 26


#Hardwork is 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11

#Knowledge is 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5

#Love is 12+15+22+5 = 54%

#Luck is 12+21+3+11 = 47%

None of them makes 100%

Then what makes 100%?
Is it Money?

#Money is 13+15+14+5+25 = 72%


#Leadership is 12+5+1+4+5+18+19+8+9+16

Every problem has a solution, only if we perhaps change our … #Attitude

#Attitude is 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
Read 4 tweets
Sep 10th 2021
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) issued a statement today denying responsibility for letting loose the six zebras that have been on the run in the D.C. suburbs.
"Local news has reported that the zebras were let loose on Saturday or Sunday of last weekend, a period of time during which I was enjoying quiet time at home with family,” Norton said. “My alibi is solid."
Read 4 tweets
Aug 13th 2021
A story to make you smile...😃
A woman went shopping. At the cash counter, she opened her purse to pay.
The cashier noticed a TV remote in her purse.
He could not control his curiosity and asked,
"Do you always carry your TV remote with you?"
She replied, "No, not always, but
my husband refused to accompany me shopping today because of football match, so I took the remote."
Moral: Accompany and support your wife in her hobbies.
The story continues...
The cashier laughed and then returned all the items that lady had purchased.
Shocked at this act,
she asked the cashier what he was doing.
He said, "your husband has blocked your credit card!"
MORAL: Always respect the hobbies of your husband.
Story continues...
Wife took out her husband's credit card from purse and swiped it. Unfortunately he didn't block his own card.
Read 7 tweets
Apr 16th 2021

One thing I know for sure is that the beauty industry would forever strive same as the health industry but the best news here is that the Agricultural sector is the foundation for their success.

#tgif #beauty #agribusiness
There is an increased use of organic cream. Also a lot of Nigerian and african ladies now loves to keep their hair in it's natural form hence the need for various essential oil to keep up.
Oil business is a good business to venture into if you have a lot of young ladies around.
The popular oil we all know is the

1. Groundnut oil
2. Palm oil
3. Coconut oil.
But the truth is that these 3 oils are not even the only set of oils in the agricultural market.
Many other oils, especially the ones used for beauty and health maintenance are called essential oil.
Read 11 tweets
Aug 21st 2020
My Friday evenings are for cooking. Step 1 is here. This will be a thread! #gicooking #TGIF Image
Step 2 Image
Step 3 Image
Read 5 tweets
Nov 29th 2019
Winnowing in progress on one of our rice farms in Jere, Kaduna.

In grain preparation, winnowing is the post harvest process done after threshing. It is done to separate the grain from chaff and dirt using the wind.
#thriveagric #tgif #farmupdate #farmwiththrive #farmersfirst Image
The wind direction is a very important factor in the winnowing operation.

As seen in this video, the farmers are winnowing in the direction that the wind is blowing. Winnowing will not be effective if the grains are winnowed in the opposite direction of the wind. #thriveagric
Notice how excited our farmers are to be working on a Friday?😏 Could it be because it’s the end of the month and a new farming cycle is about to begin?🤔

Well, this is our reminder to you, not to spend all your money this salary weekend because the wait is almost over🕺🏽 ImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Nov 1st 2019
Classes of Fire Extinguishers
Did you know that any fire extinguisher can't be used on any fire? Fires are caused by a number of factors; the principal cause of the fire determines the extinguisher to be used. Image
Fire extinguishers are placed into 4 classes:
Class A: Puts out fires in common combustibles like paper and wood
Class B: This class extinguishes fires that are caused by flammable liquids such as petrol and oil
Class C: Extinguishes electrically related fires
Class D: It extinguishes fires caused by flammable metals

The class type is written on the body of the fire extinguisher along with a colour code.
Read 4 tweets
Sep 29th 2019
It’s that time of the year again! The 9 days of festivities, Navaratri is here! Celebrated in various parts of the country in various ways, the festival is special for several reasons. #Navratri #Navaratri2019 #Thread
From the familiar golu in TN to Navaratri fasting concluding with the grand celebrations of Dasami or Dusshera depending on which part of India you're in, the festival is filled with lore, legend and backstories found in Itihasas and Puranas.
#Navratri #Navaratri2019
Some of you may remember that last year during the 9 days of #Navratri, we spoke about 9 kritis of the Navavaranas dedicated to goddess Kamalaamba,composed by Muthuswami Dikshithar. Here’s the thread if you’d like to jog through it. #Navaratri2019
Read 157 tweets
Sep 13th 2019

If you wake up tired & hungry tomorrow morning After Friday's heavy work & your #Tgif enjoyments 😁..

Quickly make this Simple, crispy & Tasty FRENCH TOAST Recipe..pair with a cup of hot liquid & relax😘

See steps 👇
Yea😁 Vanilla extract for flavor, add cinnamon too if you have.

Well, maybe I Nigerianized this recipe with the ground pepper😂
I just couldn't skip it out..

Just have fun with your recipe..
You can do all the mixing & frying in 5-10 minutes.. It doesn't take time.
Read 4 tweets

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