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May 15th 2023
#MunicipalistMonday 🧵 profiles @bcnencomu. For 8 years they've shown how through municipalism a feminist, democratic & egalitarian city is possible.

Looking to 28 May elections, here's some of Barcelona's many social & ecological transformations.

#eleccionesmunicipales23 Image
In 2017, @bcnencomu created Spain's largest public energy company Barcelona Energia (@bcn_energia) It provides renewable-generated, affordable & democratic energy.…
En Comu's next steps are a public water company.
#ClimateChange Image
Barcelona blazes trails towards a greener city, with fewer cars, more & better organised public transport & cycle lanes. Areas near schools are pacified & city-wide roads – once dominated by cars – are transformed into streets, with instead space for people through #superblocks. ImageImage
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