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Feb 20th 2020
Here’s an example of the continuum between our sexual-exploiter-in-chief’s “Grab ‘em by the p***y” & the hyper-masculine BBQ environment that is fixated on “Butts.” Thanks to @sjsweeney for spotting this in #Arizona
#misogyny #anthropocentrism #TheSexualPoliticsofMeat #SPofMeat30 Image
@sjsweeney 2/ Food trucks allow for a certain mobility to an oppressive image. You can choose not to look at some images, but this one travels past you or is located where you are going. #Misogyny on wheels! #feministtheory
@sjsweeney 3/ images like this also camouflage the misery that pigs (and other farmed animals) live with; implying instead that they want you to want them. Apparently the only "will" a farmed animal can be granted as having is the "desire" for humans to eat them #suicidefood #sexualizedmeat
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