Carol J. Adams Profile picture
author of "The Sexual Politics of Meat," and other books. Photo from 1972, New Haven. I'm on the left.
Feb 9, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Here's an important essay from a reporter who really dived into the issue of "cellular meat." A few points I would add to this discussion follow 1/x Several of the players in the cellular meat movement were men from the animal rights movement (AR), leaders, who had moved the focus of AR away from community organizing and toward ballot measures and working with the companies producing most of the slaughtered animals. 2/x
Oct 4, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
In 1990, my book "The Sexual Politics of Meat" was published. I argued that meat eating & masculinity were linked in a patriarchal culture, & that removing dead animal flesh from the plate threatened to men who were committed to gender inequality 1/x… Since that time, as a direct response to feminist & vegan advances that together feel threatening to men's status, we find ongoing claims about the necessity of eating the flesh of dead animals. For instance, right wing activists paraded around with huge platters of meat. 2/x
Feb 20, 2021 25 tweets 15 min read
1/ This thread reflects on a recurring problem in discussing the history of #animalstudies, critical animal studies, & human-animal studies. It’s #misogyny. Here’s the jist: feminists & feminist ideas are devalued or ignored only to see our ideas appropriated while we disappear. 2/ This reflects on a recurring problem in animal studies. I will try later to add another thread w/ many citations of impt writings. So this is the first of more to come
Sep 28, 2020 18 tweets 9 min read
Dear @VegNews: I am shocked that you carried the statement by the authors of #ThugKitchen announcing their name change in your 2020 holiday issue without providing any context about their racist practices and cultural appropriation over the past 8 years. 1/x #TheBeardedVegans offered a definitive two-part series on Thug Kitchen exposing this. They explain, "Matt and Michelle, the couple behind #ThugKitchen made a habit of slyly dodging their critics & employing a litany of gaslighting techniques to explain away their behavior." 2/x
Aug 26, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
"Scoop" asked, What does defacing a billboard that features #JacindaAdren w/ a dead #possum say? It says the #sexualpoliticsofmeat is alive & well in NZ. // /1 Killing animals and using them to represent hostile feelings toward women is nothing new. It's just more visible when the woman the dead animal is used against is #jacindaardern the Prime Minister of NZ. /2
Aug 24, 2020 16 tweets 9 min read
Let’s take a moment to remember the #suffragists who were #vegetarian, a thread. They recognized how oppressions were connected. Some of the information is from my book, The Sexual Politics of Meat now celebrating its 30th anniversary of publication. #suffrage /1 Let’s be clear: Susan B. #Anthony was NOT a vegetarian. She was happy to get to Delmonico’s in Manhattan after staying with the #Grimke sisters, who were. She did attend a vegetarian banquet in 1853, where the toast was to “Total Abstinence, Women’s Rights, & Vegetarianism.” /2
Aug 15, 2020 13 tweets 12 min read
Remember the belief that meat is the best or only protein source is a #racist belief, discounting the way the majority of the cultures ate. #thesexualpoliticsofmeat #feminism #vegan /3 A #masculinity made anxious & unsettled seeks to re-establish itself by invoking #redmeat; you can find this happening at key points in US history: the rise of immigration at the end of the 19th century, after the Vietnam War, after 9/11, & during the #Trump 2016 campaign /4
Aug 5, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
The podcast @NewBooksAfroAm is a great podcast. Today I learned about a new book, "The Smell of Slavery: #Olfactory #Racism and the Atlantic World," by Andrew Kettler, a new book from #CambridgeUniversityPress.… /1 "Western European defined the #African subject as a scented object, appropriated as filthy to create levels of ownership through discourse that marked African peoples as unable to access spaces of Western modernity." #whitesupremacy… /2
Jul 2, 2020 7 tweets 5 min read
Let's talk about this article & #fetalbovineserum. @amlamey says (parenthetically) regarding in vitro meat "Dr. Post’s first burger was grown using fetal bovine serum, a slaughterhouse byproduct; his team & others have sought out animal-free replacements."… What in this context does "have sought out" mean? They have sought out and FOUND animal-free replacements? Or they ARE STILL SEEKING animal-free replacements. Because the difference is meaning is the difference between #meat "without murder" and meat with murder.
May 22, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
.@michelleinbklyn Back in 1995, Operation Rescue's office was raided to collect their belongings to auction to begin to pay what a jury in Houston had ordered they owed Planned Parenthood for disrupting their services during the 1992 Republican Presidential Convention. /1 Among the property that was collected that day by the Dallas County Constables were six computers. All of #OperationRescues's property was collected into one lot to be auctioned on May 1, 1995 in Dallas. /2
May 13, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Jonathan Safran Foer: Meat is not essential. Why are we killing for it?… "The number of #slaughterhouse workers who have already died this year is on par with the number of U.S. servicemembers who have died annually fighting in Afghanistan over the last five years."
Apr 21, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
I'm glad that this article calls out @hannahgoldfield for her shameful review of @LekkaBurger, comparing it to someone's else's [a man's!] burger, as though there can only be one vegan burger. Tell that to the makers of burgers from dead animals--only one, no room for more! /1 It made me wonder if @hannahgoldfield faces the same dilemma this article exposes--that women have to be better than men to achieve (nothing new there). The fact that the @NewYorker article ends w/ her saying "well if I want a hamburger I'll just get a hamburger" (paraphrase) /2
Feb 20, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
Here’s an example of the continuum between our sexual-exploiter-in-chief’s “Grab ‘em by the p***y” & the hyper-masculine BBQ environment that is fixated on “Butts.” Thanks to @sjsweeney for spotting this in #Arizona
#misogyny #anthropocentrism #TheSexualPoliticsofMeat #SPofMeat30 Image @sjsweeney 2/ Food trucks allow for a certain mobility to an oppressive image. You can choose not to look at some images, but this one travels past you or is located where you are going. #Misogyny on wheels! #feministtheory
Feb 3, 2020 17 tweets 10 min read
This is a second thread for #white #vegans & #animalrights activists who recognize we are often the problem in the way we articulate issues having to do with the other animals. What if white privilege has influenced the way we have framed issues around veganism and animal rights? This is a part of journal entry from the early 1980s when I was involved in a very difficult battle around integrated housing and racism. I wrote “Racists who do not see that they are being racist. If this is true as a paradigm—racists do not see racism... Image
Feb 2, 2020 17 tweets 24 min read
This thread is for #white #vegans & #animalrights activists who recognize we are often the problem in the way we articulate issues having to do with the other animals. One step is to learn as much as you can about #WhiteSupremacy & #WhitePrivilege. Read! #BlackHistoryMonth2020 Do you know the history of the Civil Rights movement? You could start by reading vol 1 of "America in the King Years," "Parting the Waters" by @taylorbranch.…
Jan 11, 2020 5 tweets 7 min read
A book review by #ScottBradfield in last week's @nytimesbooks praised #MurderatLakeMaggiore
(Multiple positive statements can be found in its publisher's, @NewVesselPress , tweets. The review convinced me to get the book through @audible_com 1/ @nytimesbooks @NewVesselPress @audible_com praised as an intellectual #murdermystery, it quickly instead became a #misogynist murder. The victim. a woman, is a #shrew. The protagonists--two men, the husband and a young friend discuss women as consumable objects (#thesexualpoliticsofmeat) /2
Jun 4, 2019 13 tweets 7 min read
I was shocked to find that @RLSWrites cites a statistic about the # of animal shelters verses the # of #domesticviolence #shelters, in No Visible Bruises. Why didn't editors at @BloomsburyPub catch this as problematic? Thread: why this is problematic: 1/ There is a connection between domestic abuse and animal abuse. Often abusers injure animals as well as their main targets: women. Many women, over many years, did not leave their abusers because there was no where to take their animals.
Nov 2, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
The meat industry and animal agriculture promote an #AntiMeToo perspective. Latest example is #Randy's from Sheffield with its #WeinsteinBurger. But, remember, this normalization is very normal for meat advertisements, Randy's is just more overt. #sexualpoliticsofmeat Here's a link.…