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May 1st 2020
Welcome to today's virtual #LowTideTrail. Flamborough Head juts into the North Sea on the Yorkshire coast. The area has seen much defensive activity over 4500 years. We'll also see some #archaeology of lifesaving on our way. Let's take a look! @Active_Coast #HumberDiscovery
This stretch of coast was particularly hazardous to sailing ships. The North Landing Lifeboat station was built in 1871 & was 1 of 2 stations covering Flamborough Head. Footage of the final launch of the North Bay lifeboat can be found via @YorkshireFilm-…
Yorkshire cobles are a traditional fishing boat used along this coast. Flamborough had an active fleet of cobles operating out of North landing. This example has been laid up.

Here's a film about fishing from North Bay in 1933-…
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