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May 1st 2020
Welcome to today's virtual #LowTideTrail. Flamborough Head juts into the North Sea on the Yorkshire coast. The area has seen much defensive activity over 4500 years. We'll also see some #archaeology of lifesaving on our way. Let's take a look! @Active_Coast #HumberDiscovery
This stretch of coast was particularly hazardous to sailing ships. The North Landing Lifeboat station was built in 1871 & was 1 of 2 stations covering Flamborough Head. Footage of the final launch of the North Bay lifeboat can be found via @YorkshireFilm-…
Yorkshire cobles are a traditional fishing boat used along this coast. Flamborough had an active fleet of cobles operating out of North landing. This example has been laid up.

Here's a film about fishing from North Bay in 1933-…
Read 17 tweets
Apr 9th 2020
It’s Friday so time for another virtual #LowTideTrail #archaeology walk! Today we’ll take a Twitter based tour of Hull. Join us to learn about the city’s maritime past and its urban archaeology #HumberDiscovery
The site of the Hull and East Riding Museum, was once the site of a custom house. Deliberately located close to the River Hull, it proved difficult for custom officials to assess cargo due to the large numbers of boats moored there. Hull was well known for not paying exise duty.
Hull’s fishing industry can be traced back to the 12th century. In 1160, the Monks of Meaux Abbey, at Wawne near Beverley, were granted the right to fish in the estuary and the open sea outside the mouth of the Humber by King Henry II. Find out more here-…
Read 18 tweets
Apr 3rd 2020
Join us for a virtual tour of the coast at Paull. Located on the outskirts of Hull, Paull is a coastal village with many interesting archaeological remains. Sam and Chris visited the area a few weeks ago. Follow this thread to see what we found. #Humberdiscovery #Archaeology
We started our walk on the north edge of Paull just above the foreshore, then headed North towards Hedon Haven.

Find out what we found on…
In the past, the mouth leading on to the Humber gave access inland to the town of Hedon and the Haven Basin.

Within no time we had spotted some interesting archaeological features. Check out our @ThingLink to find out more-…
Read 10 tweets

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