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Feb 28th 2022
When I am agreeing with those opposed to public health?

Walensky has done more to harm the CDC's reputation for public health than Redfield, Trump's stooge.

We expected that from Trump.

To have a Democrat appointee do it?

This will be devastating to public health.

Short 🧵. Image
Mercola just retweeted my thread on Slavitt editing out the scarlet mask.

I immediately thought of deleting it because I was so disgusted.

Oh, you don't know who the Prince of Darkness and Greed is? Image
H/T @JHowardBrainMD

Literally - "The Most Influential Spreader of Coronavirus Misinformation Online"

He works by casting doubt on vaccinations, which leaves people in search of something - which he sells them. His vitamins. He's worth $130 million.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 10th 2022
Jeffrey Zients is a monster. He does not serve the American people; he serves American capital.

"Zients isn't a public health expert. He’s a former corporate executive whose track record bolsters the worst possible impulses for a Biden appointee..." 1/8
"He cut his teeth at Bain Capital, the private equity firm...which has erased pensions & health benefits for tens of workers over decades of leveraged buyouts."

(Article by @DRBoguslaw) 2/8…
Reminder: Private equity people are the scum of the earth. They exploit opportunities to fleece the public & rent-seek that ordinary corporations—not known for benevolence—find too shameful, like extorting ER patients w/surprise billing. See @lfeatherz 3/8…
Read 8 tweets
Jan 23rd 2022
And Walensky is doing things willy-nilly over at the CDC.…
Fine. Whatever.

Sometimes you have to clean house.

Read 6 tweets
Dec 30th 2021
I was going to do the charitable take first. Not this week.

If I was the CDC about to release a shit-storm of epic proportions, how could I possibly tamp it down?

Put the shit-sandwich in the fine print.

Then, change the part that everyone actually reads after the fact.
Sorry for the language above, but is Trump running the @WHCOVIDResponse AND @CDCgov from Mar-A-Lago?

The charitable take?


I'm plumb out of charity for any of them.
Read 4 tweets

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