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May 5th 2020
1. #WSTC6 #FishSesh Purse seine fishing is an emerging arena for seabird #bycatch. However, these are also impacting seabirds with edible #fish oil. #Soaked individuals are disrupted in waterproofing, thermal isolation, flight, and prone to #death. How does this happen? Image
2. #WSTC6 #FishSesh #Chile #shearwaters #albatrosses #gulls are affected by fish oil from the direct discharge of #wastewaters or individuals #trapped in the purse seine gear (mean N°ind./set 8.41-12.90 CI 95%, with 96.87% of all trapped soaked) Image
3. #WSTC6 #FishSesh Feathers showed disruption of micro-structures (barbules) under responding at low oil concentrations (5%). Onboard, soaked seabirds remain under this status after 24h of oil exposure when trapped in fishing gear Image
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