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Jun 6th 2023
In a series of arrests, 16 activists were imprisoned simply because they spoke up for the rights of the most marginalized in the country. Today, 5 years have passed since the first round of arrests of activists in the Bhima Koregaon case.

Professor. Author. Women’s Rights Activist.  

Shoma Sen is one of the #BK16. She investigated atrocities by security forces in Manipur & Chhattisgarh.  On this day in 2018 she was arrested for ‘waging war against the Government of India’. She remains in jail without trial. 

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Actor. Publisher. Activist.  

Sudhir Dhawale published a Marathi magazine focused on various social issues. In 2011, he was arrested for "waging war against the Govt" and acquitted. On this day in 2018, he was arrested again the same charge. He remains in jail without trial.
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Nov 8th 2020
Arvind Murti welcomes the speakers and sathis to the Uttar Pradesh #WeShallSpeak meet.
Prerana Kala Manch from Varanasi invokes the revolutionary spirit of people's struggles through the song-
Mashalen le kar chalna hai
Jab tak raat baaki hai!

(We shall walk with flaming torches, till there is dark in the world)
@meeracomposes Meera speaking about the 'We Shall Speak' campaign that has been going on for about a month.
The campaign brings to the front state repression and people's movements in the situation of economic crisis and covid-19.
Read 38 tweets

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